Example sentences of "especially [adj] for [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These barriers are especially strong for women and younger people .
2 A decision to cut or pass the dividend will be especially painful for Costain because of the blow it will be for the 91 per cent of shareholders who took up last year 's rights issue and because Costain will be only the second major contractor , after John Laing , to cut the pay-out .
3 Being usurped in Rigby 's life by Duane was especially painful for Gedge because the two men were almost the antipathy of each other .
4 Carbol fuchsin is especially useful for autoradiography as it will not interfere with emulsion and will not wash out in developer .
5 The book covers all the elementary rules ( especially important for infants and young children ) that should be followed to remain healthy on a vegan diet .
6 Two periods were especially prosperous for courtiers and officials : one was the minority of Edward VI and the other was the reign of James I , when the Scottish monarch bid lavishly for the favour of his new subjects .
7 Four other colourways are available and it comes in five widths , about £23.50 per sq m Accessories : Yellow photograph album , £12.50 ; Jennifer Tuckey stationery , £8.95 and £9.50 Best for : Any room , but especially suitable for halls and stairs
8 A visit to Sulgrave Manor is especially worthwhile for children and young students studying lifestyle in the Tudor period and the 18th century .
9 Poor ratings are especially bad for banks and other financial companies .
10 Freud 's work is now especially significant for sociology as it goes through a reappraisal of its own development .
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