Example sentences of "saying [conj] [pers pn] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
2 Other UN inspectors in Baghdad have extended their stay beyond the planned departure yesterday , after saying that they had gathered fresh information on Iraq 's ballistic missile programme .
3 Many of the captains spoke against continuing on to Naggaroth , saying that they had achieved their goal , and that the loss of life was too great to continue .
4 However , presently a rider appeared , from Jardine , saying that they had heard the horn .
5 On Nov. 18 Koffigoh justified the " legal punitive measures " taken against the ministers , saying that they had acted " not in the supreme interest of the nation , but with … partisan considerations " .
6 Mr Macdonald praised Mr Young and Mr Smith for chasing Forman , saying that they had started the trail which led to his arrest , though the money had not been recovered .
7 For example , in English Hop Growers Ltd v Derring [ 1928 ] 2 KB 174 Scrutton LJ said " I have always for myself regarded it as in the public interest that parties who , being in an equal position of bargaining , make contracts , should be compelled to perform them , and not to escape from their liabilities by saying that they had agreed to something which was unreasonable " .
8 Officials from the fifth chemical weapons inspection team [ see p. 38548 ] , which completed its mission on Nov. 5 , were reported on Nov. 12 as saying that they had found Scud missiles fitted with crudely made chemical warheads .
9 On Oct. 29 an Israeli government commission of inquiry cleared the three crew members , saying that they had taken the right decision .
10 Ron was delighted too , saying that I had run well after my lay-off with injury and had beaten one of my main challengers for the European title .
11 When he started to inquire about my life , I deflected the conversation by saying that I had sold one of the famille rose vases .
12 It was not until Aunt Kit rang me up , three days later , and abused me for ten minutes between tearing bouts of coughing , saying that I had hurt ‘ poor Lil ’ quite unbearably , that he said I had been wrong to write it .
13 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
14 She never said to whom that fresh statement was made , but it was apparent to the jury that she was saying that she had made a statement contrary to that incriminating one , and she was suggesting that the second statement set out her case as she was putting it in the witness box .
15 He would not report her fate to the Police , and he could divert enquiries by saying that she had gone to friends in the country .
16 Ronnie had written to me a few months before , saying that she had hesitated to get in touch but wanted me to know how concerned she was about John .
17 She had written to her mother giving no address , saying that she had left her husband and was going abroad , that she could do nothing more for her mother and had her own life to live .
18 She lied to Dr Wyn , saying that she had wrenched her shoulder , since although there was nothing inherently shameful about noises in the head she did not wish to confide in him .
19 Near panic had set in when Tass news agency quoted a woman who had just arrived in Novgorod , near St Petersburg , as saying that she had fled Kyrgyzstan a few days before the ‘ evictions ’ were to begin .
20 Senator Juan Ponce Enrile , leader of the Nacionalista Party , the main opposition party , called for her impeachment , saying that she had violated the Constitution by allowing US forces to stay without a treaty .
21 Baker immediately praised Assad 's response as positive , saying that it had demonstrated that Syria was now more willing to enter direct peace talks with Israel than at any time in the past .
22 Saying that it had gone straight to court , it was in court , you know ,
23 In a formal letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on July 11 , Iraq renewed its demand for an end to international trade sanctions , saying that it had met its obligations under Gulf ceasefire resolutions .
24 At a banquet hosted by Yang Shangkun on Nov. 1 Nixon described the June crackdown as " excessive and unjustified " , saying that it had damaged US respect and confidence in the Chinese leadership and , speaking to Li Peng , he argued that the two countries ' differences over the events in June were " huge and unbridgeable " , but that Sino-US relations should not be allowed to founder over the issue .
25 The MNR responded with a statement issued in Nairobi saying that it had accepted the mediators ' invitation to direct talks but that Chissano was delaying " to extend his time in power " .
26 After the judgment , Price Waterhouse issued a statement saying that it had acted in good faith according to its understanding of the conflict of interest rules at the time .
27 Looking specifically at the arable sector , the SAC 's Sandy Ramsay highlighted the effects of the UK 's departure from the ERM , saying that it had worked greatly to farmers ' advantage .
28 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
29 Earlier , on July 12 , Saibou had announced that he would stand down as chairman of the National Movement for a Development Society ( the sole party until the legalization of opposition parties in March ) , saying that he had decided to place himself above party politics .
30 Dr Gerard fought back , by saying that he had seen a letter from Warburton to the printer , complaining that one half of Scotland 's clergy were fanatics , and the other half were infidels , but Johnson still gainsaid him ; Warburton , he believed , wrote as he spoke — without thinking ; ‘ Sir , the very worst way of being intimate , is by scribbling . ’
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