Example sentences of "hands [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 His blue eyes were fastened on the publisher 's face , his square hands placed on his knees .
2 Sir John was sitting perfectly still , his hands pressed between his knees , his forehead red under his wig .
3 When he had gone , she stood for a long time in front of the looking-glass that hung over the fire , her hands pressed to her cheeks , her face quite alive with excitement .
4 Occasionally too she would simply sit crouched on the sofa and weep silently , her hands pressed to her cheeks .
5 Remembering the earlier misunderstanding , Joseph kept his hands pressed to his sides .
6 A cook from the kitchens took one in the eye and stumbled backwards with his hands pressed to his temples .
7 Haji dachi ( attention stance ) : standing with heels together , back straight and open hands pressed against your thighs .
8 ‘ Leave me alone ! ’ she screamed when her efforts to evade him proved useless and a pair of iron hands fastened on her arms .
9 Reeling , Cardiff saw Rohmer standing stock still , hands fastened to his ears in an almost business-like fashion , still staring straight ahead at the wall .
10 He went fiery red , hands clenched at his sides .
11 Chen pulled up sharply , almost thudding into Karr who stood there , his hands clenched at his sides , his great chest rising and falling heavily as he stared down at the three prone gangsters .
12 She leaned forward , hands clenched on her knees , a kind of fierceness there .
13 She moistened her lips , wishing there was some way she could avoid his shrewd gaze , but his hands caught at her arms as she tried to turn away .
14 Her hands dropped to her sides as she gazed into the cracked mirror .
15 He held her like this for a few seconds and then , suddenly , the oddly predatory look left his face and his hands dropped to his sides .
16 And then his hands dropped from her arms and he turned and went into his bedroom .
17 His hands dropped from her shoulders , and he did not speak , merely took her hand and pulled her after him , striding back up the path at a rapid pace so that she was hard pressed to keep up .
18 Immediately his hands dropped from her shoulders .
19 Nicolo 's hands dropped from her shoulders .
20 His hands lifted to her shoulders as though he would shake her , but clenched and fell back as he controlled himself .
21 Nicandra 's big hands hung by her sides , her world shifted place , all certainty lost and gone in a salty fog of despair .
22 It looked perfectly human , dressed in a grey , well-cut suit and black tie , its collar turned up against the cold , its hands thrust into its pockets .
23 He had moved off anyway , hands thrust into his denims , head down .
24 His hands moved to her shoulders to put her from him , then he released her abruptly before turning to walk along the path .
25 She stared very hard at the dark face above her , her hands pushed into her pockets to hide their idiotic trembling .
26 A rather disgruntled-looking George walked towards them , his hands stuffed into his pockets .
27 His hands closed on her shoulders .
28 The switchblade fell from his hand as he sagged to the ground , whimpering softly , his hands clutched between his legs .
29 Hands clutched at my legs whilst the horse , thoroughly alarmed , reared , flailing his iron-shod hooves .
30 They all had their hands tied behind their backs and one prisoner was in his underwear .
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