Example sentences of "certainly [vb past] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did not feel sympathetic towards Catherine , and certainly did not want to frighten my poor master by telling him she was ill .
2 She wanted no thanks , no suspicious questions , and she most certainly did not want to get close to that hard , sensuous mouth .
3 Nicholas certainly did not want to fight alone , and probably did not want to fight at all .
4 While they , unlike Feuerbach , certainly did not intend to turn theology into anthropology , did they nevertheless risk doing precisely that ?
5 She certainly did not expect to see the beautiful cake especially made by Tina Denny , iced in Medau Blue , with our logo girl in one corner , or the surprise presentation of a charming Royal Doulton figurine , accompanied by much love and good wishes .
6 Ludens was not sure about Marcus 's ability to find new people , but certainly did not mind benefiting from being an ‘ old one ’ .
7 Well , she certainly did n't intend to hold him up .
8 Kevin Dutton was unsure of the reaction he would get to his first unconventional portrait of a British comedian , he certainly did n't expect to find others demanding the same treatment .
9 I certainly did n't expect to win , ’ said Mrs Ferguson .
10 They certainly did n't choose to drop out of society like their New York City equivalents who could always return to daddy 's money ; rather , theirs is a quest to reflect the plight of the dispossessed and let them know they 're not alone , to offer the disaffected hope , and to somehow go beyond merely preaching to those who already understand .
11 ‘ Ma certainly did n't bother to display my final report anywhere , ’ was all Daphne had to say on the subject .
12 On the other hand , she certainly did n't fancy joining Fen in the confined space between tiller and cabin .
13 ‘ I certainly did n't want to take part in the play and I am not at all at ease with those — those people .
14 She was aware that she was making it up as she went along but she certainly did n't want to repeat what Richie had actually said .
15 It was the result of being determined not to be manoeuvred into things she did n't want to do , and yet she most certainly did n't want to do this .
16 Jacklin himself might be able to quit for a well deserved rest but that is something which his side most certainly did n't want to do .
17 She certainly did n't want to cut short this visit to the pet shop , where Mr Miller had promised to tell her more about his stock of animals .
18 But German-born Sebastian said later : ‘ I certainly did n't want to embarrass her and hope I did n't cause any offence .
19 She could n't help how she was , and she certainly did n't want to change .
20 ‘ So he got me a few gigs round the Irish pubs , and I had to learn off some traditional Irish ballads quickly for the sort of audiences you got there certainly did n't want to hear me singing songs by James Taylor or Simon and Garfunkel .
21 I knew you were n't the kind of woman I could conveniently disregard , as I 'd disregarded Celeste , and I certainly did n't want to become entangled with my team-mate 's girlfriend — ’
22 They certainly did n't want to get left behind !
23 He did n't hate her , and he certainly did n't want to hurt her , but he knew he had just done the best thing he could ever do for Sandra Bamfield .
24 She certainly did n't like to say that he was living there with a girl .
25 She certainly did n't need to get wound up about it , especially as it was fairly certain it would n't happen again .
26 That was one line of conjecture she certainly did n't need to pursue .
27 The investigation of firing showed that it certainly did n't help healing , causing the horse considerable distress for no good reason .
28 You certainly did n't seem to like me the way I was ! ’
29 She certainly did n't seem to have any left .
30 But she certainly had n't expected to see a selection of Penguin Classics .
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