Example sentences of "make [adv] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The private sector service industries make only a small contribution while the public services make none .
2 The insect may be 50 yards away , and so make only a tiny image on my retina .
3 This would not be too great a bother if morels could be collected in the wild for a reasonable length of time each year , but the fruiting bodies of the morel make only a brief appearance , sometime between March and May .
4 But opera , whether their texts are well-written in the conventional literary sense or not , have almost no value as plays , and their librettos make only a shadowy sense away from their music .
5 City analysts expect it to pass its final dividend , or make only a token pay-out .
6 Then I 'm going to take another triangular bandage and I 'm going to open it up and make just a little fold , this is going to go on her forehead and that little fold just helps with keeping it firm and stopping the bandage slip , now , just put it around the forehead like that , okay ?
7 I make not a party-political point , but one which shows the reality of not having proper consultations on the time scale for implementing such a major piece of legislation .
8 The primary , but not exclusive , focus is on Scottish IT firms which make up a localised sample that could be comprehensively surveyed .
9 Make up a thickish paste from polycell or other wallpaper paste .
10 Neither constraint applies to the Tertiary College where adults and part-time students make up a sizable proportion of the student population .
11 Write a letter to a hotel ( make up a suitable name or choose one that advertises in your local paper ) enquiring about a holiday for two adults and two children .
12 Consequently , the National Certificate Modules which make up a general SVQ may not relate directly to functions performed in employment , although they are relevant to the needs of employment .
13 Clear away topsoil and make up a simple formwork of timber supported by pegs set on the outside .
14 hornemanni make up a similar pair , the former more southerly in distribution but overlapping in parts of their range .
15 They make up a physically-associated system , but the real separation between them is over 300000 million kilometres .
16 Docks , farms , animals , people , towns and villages all make up a complete railway system .
17 A further major problem associated with the use of the network variable is that it is most readily operationalized to study speakers whose networks are of a relatively closeknit type and can not easily handle socially and geographically mobile speakers whose personal network ties are not predominantly dense or multiplex ; yet , such persons make up a substantial proportion of the population in a post-industrial society .
18 The Hatfield study found an uncritical expectation that returning women workers — women already make up a substantial part of small firm employment — would fill the gap left by young people .
19 Caroline 's comment : Commercial baby foods make up a substantial part of the average baby 's diet and they are very convenient .
20 Social class differences are equally stark : in spite of the fact that manual workers are the majority of the working population , they make up a small proportion of those covered by retirement pensions .
21 Once Alpha has been located , it is easy to find the other chief stars of the constellation , Gamma ( 3.9 ) , Beta ( 4.2 ) and Delta ( 4.7 ) , which make up a small triangle .
22 It is easy to find from the stars Chi ( 4.7 ) and Phi ( 5.0 ) , which make up a small triangle with Delta and are in the same × 20 field with it .
23 Its two main stars , Alpha ( 3.5 ) and Zeta ( 4.1 ) make up a small triangle with Theta Aræ , and I have included Telescopium in the map with Ara .
24 They make up a wide pair , with beautiful contrasting colours ; Lambda is white and Mu very red , with an M-type spectrum .
25 This allowed us to line the side curtains in striped fabric and make up a flat roof instead of a gathered one .
26 So far as I knew I covered the area around my bowels , liver , one kidney and all the other bits and pieces that make up a living abdomen .
27 It would be ideal if we could list the factors which make up a good melody .
28 Today they make up a sad string of tarnished beads , from Bombay , Calcutta and Rangoon to Saigon ( now Ho Chi Minh City ) , Hanoi and Canton .
29 The opening screen is in fact a text editor that you can use to enter the commands that make up a QBasic program .
30 Football now has Bob Wilson of Arsenal and Emlyn Hughes of Liverpool and on independent television there is Ian StJohn and Jimmy Greaves ( ‘ The Saint and Greavsie ’ ) , who have taken the art of televised sport a step further by reproducing in the studio all the mixture of jokes and outlandish memories , bets , hunches , tactical shrewdness , and affectionate ‘ piss-taking ’ that make up a friendly hour in the pub .
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