Example sentences of "usually [vb pp] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The second involves the juxtaposition of two consonants not usually placed together in an attempt to reproduce a sound peculiar to the original language ( e.g. , the " kh " sound in Bakhtiari or Bakhshaish ) ; the two consonants used in this way may vary , or one of them may be left out altogether .
2 He was hungry and conscious of the delicious greasy bundle in his bag , but he believed fish and chips were usually heated up in the oven anyway , so they would n't spoil .
3 The disqualification provisions of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 are usually considered only in the context of offences in relation to company legislation , such as failing to file documents , and fiscal misconduct .
4 This is usually carried out in a London hospital or other UK hospital specialising in bone marrow transplants .
5 Nowadays such decorations are usually written out in the notation .
6 Since the word-list ( constructed to sample a range of linguistic environments ) was considered particularly important , it was usually produced early in the proceedings .
7 These were usually called early in the morning to ensure that the other passengers were not disturbed .
8 The religious aspect of Rubens ' works is usually encountered only in the great continental galleries of Europe : American museums ( and their trustees ) generally shy away from such stern Roman Catholic imagery , preferring the Rubens of Helene Fourment , cheerful Madonnas and putti , all apple-cheeked and plump ( preferably in oil sketches ) .
9 The magnification and objective diameter are usually spelled out in the name of the model of binoculars — eg : the Acme 8 × 35 Binocular will make things look eight times bigger and have an objective diameter of 35mm .
10 Their books are usually set nostalgically in the past — the Thirties and Forties are favourite periods — and often feature the perennial characters of fairy tales and nursery rhymes .
11 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
12 In the past , a notice was usually put up in the local police station .
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