Example sentences of "long [subord] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How long till we can have water , Comrade ? ’
2 Well I want , now I want yeah well I understand but I wonder how long since they will leave it she 's already looked for an answ , you know she does n't get an answer , that 's the point , I should think by now he 'd
3 ‘ I have n't got it , ’ he said , and it was so long since he 'd last spoken that the first words came hoarse and harsh , like the sound of some animal .
4 I am so glad that you came north over Easter , and I hope it wo n't be too long before we can get to know each other a little better .
5 How long before they would have been branded as Nazis , with all their war records published in the newspapers ?
6 We speak of someone who is stiff-necked long before they may become crippled with arthritis .
7 If you stay still , you can hear other people moving towards you long before they can see you .
8 They would not expect the taking of Perth and Scone to be easy , and night would fall long before they could send back to clear out Abernethy and Forteviot , or before they could press on the further twelve miles to Dunkeld .
9 ‘ Pilots are the most important factor in the treatment of an engine ’ , commented Tony , who has seen several powerplants come back to the care of his team long before they need have done , had they been handled correctly .
10 ‘ How long before you can start it ? ’
11 Going home next day , he noticed as he waited on the platform for the tube to Baker Street , that the track sings as the train comes into West Hampstead , long before you can see it , and the silver lines shiver as it approaches .
12 Outdoor pelota you can hear long before you can see it , because the sharp crack of the ball on the end-wall carries all through or even outside the villages .
13 However , I am getting the business matters straightened out and I hope it wo n't be too long before I shall have more time to spend with you . ’
14 This fact was in my consciousness , and unconscious , long before I could understand the explanation for this state of affairs .
15 I believe that the new generation of " 16 bit " machines ( such as the ACT Sirius 1 ) will prove to be well capable of meeting these demands If I may be permitted one small advertisement , I do not expect it to be long before I can fulfil my objective of promoting the use of micros in personnel through the marketing of systems developed specifically for this field .
16 He looked at the old man , peering darkly under his down-drawn brows ; and there was one who would have questioned and writhed and wondered , pondering long before he would have given any answer , and then , most likely , regretting the answer he had given , whatever it chanced to be .
17 He moved fast and confidently , but when he had gone only three hundred yards he began to feel breathless , long before he should have done , and realised what that one shot might have done .
18 Long before he could goad the aircraft to anywhere near its optimum ceiling , Vologsky would be frozen , evacuated or crushed to death .
19 What need had he , John-William Dallam , for a grandson , he thought grimly , when he would be dead and gone , by the look of things , long before he could teach the little chap how to run the mill ?
20 ( The present writer 's introduction to Wallis Budge 's books on ancient Egypt , long before he could read them with understanding , led him — forty years later — to the temples of Karnak and Luxor and to the Valley of the Kings . )
21 The patient often learns to undress by himself long before he can manage to dress .
22 Christina hoped it would n't be too long before she could make her escape .
23 This story was a favourite of the headmistress of her primary school , so she heard it often at Morning Prayers , and long before she could see it as a parable , she already felt shock before its injustice .
24 She was beginning to be more than a bit worried about the expenses involved in her escape , and hoped it would n't be too long before she could escape back to anonymity and London .
25 Many directors continued in office long after they could hope to participate effectively .
26 Long after he should have turned away out of politeness she could feel his dark glance pricking all over her , sparing nothing .
27 A woman standing next to her thrust a baby into her arms , and with her usual politeness she stayed holding it long after she would have liked to go away .
28 They stood round in a ring long after she 'd come to rest , after her legs had stopped wagging , after her fingers had stopped tugging .
29 There has been no love lost between Scots and English at big sporting occasions for as long as one can remember , but it seems that England 's rugby aficionados find it hard to forgive Scotland for that Grand Slam defeat in 1990 .
30 ‘ So long as one could avoid the wretched cliché : girl impeded , hero dangerously tarrying .
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