Example sentences of "take place [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will be their aesthetic appreciation , economic system and technological abilities which will be the real determinants on any settlement changes that take place as a result of exploiting the new material .
2 This application is of benefit for queries to a computer that take place over a telephone and also for providing reading aids for the blind .
3 Altogether , tutorials take place over a period of about twenty-four weeks in the last year of a course , and usually by the last twelve tutorials a student has a much clearer idea of what he or she is about .
4 All binary arithmetic operations take place between a value in the accumulator and a value read from the store , and the result is left in the accumulator .
5 Furthermore , as Binder ( 1982 , p. 38 ) notes , discussions of CCLGF issues between leading association members and ministers often take place on a party political level outside the formal council .
6 The diagenetic changes which take place within a supermature quartz sandstone are limited ; quartz overgrowth cements may form , but , unless pore fluids are extremely aggressive , neither dissolution , alteration nor replacement of detrital quartz grains are likely to occur .
7 Our journeys to and through survival take place within a culture that encourages women to take responsibility for themselves , men and children .
8 These changes of pattern take place by a process which bears much more resemblance to that in areas outside public provision and within the scope of market forces than is commonly supposed .
9 These reactions take place in a variety of digesters that are designed to deal with specific types of waste products .
10 The groups take place in a church or chapel hall or other community building and are supported by PPA voluntary area organisers and a network of volunteers at branch , county and Wales level .
11 Most ceremonies take place in a synagogue , but can be performed anywhere so long as they are under a chuppah ( wedding canopy ) .
12 These events take place in a field at Crosland Moor , conveniently located for radio purposes at 1000 feet a.s.l. , where caravans , tents and marquees are installed for the weekend , including special event amateur radio station , GB2YIA .
13 Statistics show that typically it only accounts for two per cent of all the verbal behaviours that take place in a conversation .
14 At Lindholme prison in Doncaster , once-weekly two-hour sessions take place in a room that has been made available within the library and comfortably furnished with easy chairs and a coffee table .
15 Listening to many of the conversations which make up my data , one has the impression that they take place in a climate of " linguistic tolerance " , where many different degrees of " Creoleness " and " Englishness " are accepted .
16 At times urban policy debates take place in a context where almost all agree that the wrong answers are being offered to the wrong questions .
17 I think that the vital point that is missed by psychologists and educationalists who have tried to devise techniques for learning language is that this process does not , and should not , take place in a vacuum .
18 He is looking , instead , for a classification system that will above all be simple and that will attempt to include the number of interviews that take place in a bureau , together with some classification of the clients ' main and subsidiary problems as well as the type of advice or information given .
19 We are far from being able to specify all the things that actually take place in a learning situation , and ( as we saw earlier ) we have little knowledge of the implications of individual difference for our work .
20 Through their wide experience of the stories they have read and hear , they should be helped to increase their control of story form , recognising , for example , that events take place in a setting , which needs to be described , and that the outcome has to be made explicit for the reader .
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