Example sentences of "god ['s] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In the New Testament Jesus uses two images to convey God 's extravagant concern for the world : one is the shepherd who risks the rest of the flock in order to go searching for the lost sheep ; the other is the woman who turns a house upside down looking for lost coins .
2 He was an embodiment of God 's divine plan for the people as a whole .
3 In minds less critical and less sophisticated than Augustine 's , relics soon became themselves the seats of holy power , God 's preferred channels for miraculous action .
4 Like Jewish and Muslim mystics , Julian stresses the paradox of God 's mysterious need for mankind and also explores the notion of the female dimension of God , a frequent theme in Kabbalism and Sufism .
5 The New Testament provides strong evidence that the Church occupies a central place in God 's redemptive purpose for the world .
6 And Just as the Gospel had concentrated on Jerusalem the location of God 's great exodus for man , so the Acts shows the mission spreading out from that centre in ever widening circles .
7 And still the story of God 's great purpose for mankind is scarcely begun .
8 Beyond the immediate punishment of casting Adam out from the garden of Eden or Cain from human society , beyond the destruction of the flood and the scattering of the nations , there was always God 's ultimate intention for man 's well-being and blessing .
9 He became a Congregational minister , but his views about God 's inclusive care for the ‘ ’ heathen ’ and his views about the divine revelation in the Bible , brought him into conflict with the narrow-mindedness of some of his congregation , and in 1893 he left the ministry to devote himself to writing .
10 Without it , when he was first called , God 's new plans for the redemption of his world would not have got under way at all .
11 So Adam and Eve they go and hide , but it 's not just Adam and Eve , but it 's every one of us , they 're just pictures , they 're representatives of you and of me , they are the federal head of the human race , and Paul with his writing in Romans three , and verse twenty three reminds us , and J B Phillips in his translation , he puts it like this he says every one has sinned , every one falls short of the beauty of God 's plan , that plan , that purpose that God had , not just for creation , not just for humanity in general , but for you as an individual , that purpose that God had , that beautiful plan , far better than you can could work out , out for yourself falling short of it , we 've marred it , we have n't come up to it , if that circle represented just as a diagram as a picture , God 's plan God 's beautiful plan for you and for me still a circle , but dented here , bashed in there
12 Some were timed to coincide with the changing seasons , reminding the people of God 's constant provision for them , and providing an opportunity to return to God some token of all that he had given .
13 After you have discussed your answers with your partner discuss what you perceive to be God 's intended purpose for each of the three types of love , how they support and complement each other .
14 He does indeed reveal to us God 's gracious provision for us .
15 Their acceptance by God was symbolized by the fact that while the ancient churches prayed for God 's continuing grace for the faithful departed , they did not pray for martyrs .
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