Example sentences of "whose [noun sg] [pers pn] is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Complaint may be made to the local authority environmental health department whose responsibility it is under s.91 of the Public Health Act 1936 to inspect their areas for the detection of nuisance and institute formal proceedings either summarily or in the High Court , where , in their opinion , the odour complained of amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of that Act .
2 Antonio Gramsci , who spent most of his adult life in one of Mussolini 's prisons , elaborated on Marx 's insight that the ruling ideas of an epoch are the ideas of its ruling class , to create a theory of hegemony and a theory of classes of intellectuals whose function it is in any literate society to propagate or to challenge these leading ideas .
3 For Locke , then , personal identity consists in an identity of consciousness , and not in the identity of some substance whose essence it is to be conscious .
4 The 10,300 parish priests whose job it is to man these churches are thus a rather scant resource .
5 Meanwhile the owner the person who lived a small terraced property , whose garden backs onto the fields tried to get the hounds several dozen hounds off these two dogs who were being savaged to death and he had a heart attack in the process , Chairman and was hospitalized for several weeks That Chairman is the effect of the hunt on one of my constituents whose job it is for me to defend the rights that I was elected here to defend the rights of my constituents , not to be harassed in this manner .
6 Lyte — whose bicentenary it is on 1st June , this year — was also a fanatical bookman .
7 Those whose calling it is to be God 's agents of reconciliation are vulnerable to the ordinary wear and tear of any who seek to serve among the wayward and weak , the blocked and blighted among beautiful people unable to realise their potential .
8 The case and conversation details will all be completely anonymous , so no one will know who has used the words or whose voice it is on the tape , but together they will provide a permanent record of how the English language was spoken in the nineteen nineties .
9 The user of the vehicle is the owner of the vehicle or the person in whose possession it is under some hiring or leasing agreement ; this is often not the driver himself but the driver 's employer or principal .
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