Example sentences of "whose [noun] [noun sg] is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And another senior colleague Steve Mcleod on my right , whose primary responsibility is with the value for money work that we undertake on your behalf .
2 Brian , a twenty-year-old draughtsman , had seen it all before , but it was the first time for Jane , his nineteen-year-old wife , whose daytime job is as a telephonist .
3 The days when a vegetarian was looked upon as someone odd , even a freak , are now long past and today those whose eating preference is for non-meat products are not only respected , but , perhaps more importantly , actively catered for in shops , restaurants and other food outlets .
4 Cuts to the Green Form Scheme will particularly affect those facing family breakdown , those suffering from long-term mental illness , and asylum seekers and others whose immigration status is in doubt .
5 For Corporal Gary Elmer , whose day job is as a builder , this is a big change : during the week he puts them up , and at weekends he knocks them down !
6 Guerrillas is set in an imaginary Caribbean country , whose capital city is by the sea .
7 erm That 's one point , the other point is of course , we have already targeted of course in working with the groups that we 've defined as erm ones whose health status is at risk in effect , so this is a supplement , this is actually translating those targets we have already defined into a locality planning exercise .
8 LWT , whose market share is under attack , may find it hard to maintain the 40 per cent return on capital that would make its share incentive scheme worthwhile to the managers .
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