Example sentences of "take [pers pn] for [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In ecology the Germans take it for granted that they are more ecology-minded than anyone else , and that they have a special sensitivity for this too .
2 People who do n't put on weight take it for granted that the rest of us are greedy and lacking in will power .
3 Some families take it for granted that the elderly are the natural responsibility of the unattached , but this is not so .
4 But the worst silence of all is when we take it for granted that they know how much they are still appreciated and that the calloused hands or fingers are symbols to us of the love and caring poured into our lives .
5 We take it for granted that we have light to see by , natural or artificial .
6 And unless he speaks in a very odd way we take it for granted that he knows what he is saying .
7 Graham Murdock and Peter Golding , like other Marxists , take it for granted that there is a relationship between ‘ ownership and control ’ .
8 In most physiological psychology we take it for granted that lesions will centre on the structure selected by the experimenter .
9 In discussing texts we idealise away from this variability of the experiencing of the text and assume what Schutz has called ‘ the reciprocity of perspective ’ , whereby we take it for granted that readers of a text or listeners to a text share the same experience ( Schutz , 1953 ) .
10 And the financial institutions , subscribing fully to the ideology of the ‘ smoothly functioning capital market ’ , take it for granted that the best interests of their personal sector customers are served by placing funds where they can get the ‘ best ’ and ‘ safest ’ monetary returns , regardless of the consequences for productive investment .
11 We take it for granted that organisations should have objectives .
12 We take it for granted that individual departments and even individual managers should have objectives .
13 I do not intend to list all the normal things Excel can do — just take it for granted that you will be able to set up a spreadsheet to calculate whatever you want to — but I want to concentrate on some of the features that will certainly save time , effort , and head scratching .
14 Today we take it for granted that such antagonism must be inhibited in a civilized society and we have developed all sorts of cultural and social institutions to procure such inhibitions in the form of religious , moral and legal prohibitions backed up by agencies of social control and law-enforcement .
15 Although most of this chapter has been given over to an exposition of the policy inefficacy proposition which was grounded in the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework where variations in the absolute price level figure prominently , the reader should note that many new classical writers simply take it for granted that , in a competitive economy , markets clear on average over time .
16 We know how cars work , but we do n't appreciate how our skeletal machinery works ; we just take it for granted that it does . ’
17 Young people especially just take it for granted and order it automatically .
18 It was argued by some on the Public Schools Commission ( DES , 1970 ) , for , that parents and children would appreciate the value of the education they received and not simply take it for granted if they actually had to part with some money .
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