Example sentences of "ten [noun pl] or [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember quite vividly the old tramcars running there er day and night , with the last service leaving the outskirts of Edinburgh around about er twelve er eleven thirty and you g have about ten minutes or so to reach the depots which there were many and varied at this particular time .
2 Another pull for ten minutes or so brought me up on to the summit , where I sat down to have my lunch .
3 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
4 Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish !
5 It was not until ten years or more had passed that the disastrous side-effects on ruck and maul of the abolition of the old ‘ play the ball with a foot after a tackle ’ law began fully to be felt .
6 Only in the last ten years or so had he been able to give up going to the country towns and villages for uncomfortable , if lucrative , one- or two-day visits ; only then had he found it possible to move from Jewtown to commodious rooms in Patrick Street , Cork 's main thoroughfare , where he could live as well as have his surgery .
7 In contrast to this extensions within the last ten years or so have all been done in cheaper , light weight breeze blocks .
8 MAX B HARLOW graduated from Stanford University in 1927 and during the next ten years or so worked for various aircraft manufacturers , including Thaden , Bach , Waldo Waterman , Allan Lockheed , Bert Kinner , Northrop and Douglas , where he was involved in stress analysis for the DC-2 .
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