Example sentences of "wanted [to-vb] [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to go but she did n't have eno any more tickets .
2 Erm she was in India and I wanted to go and she said a Hindi course at A T R in Zurich .
3 And if Feargal wanted to pretend that she did n't exist , well , who the hell cared ?
4 He wanted to know if she had seen O'Hara .
5 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
6 Hardly how she wanted to appear when she 'd planned on wearing the dress to visit the hotels she wanted to do business with .
7 Rain wanted to persist but she had an appointment to keep .
8 She wanted to play and she wanted to colour and oh oh
9 She still wanted to look as she did in waking life , but there were improvements she could make .
10 She wanted to pee and she walked round the house in search of a bush .
11 Today she had something of her own that she wanted to do and she felt trapped .
12 She wanted to cry and she imagined the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to her jersey and how he 'd probably say that she should go somewhere else to cry .
13 The emotion was so unlikely — and such a betrayal — that Julia wanted to believe that she had never felt it .
14 She knew what she wanted to learn and she knew where it was ; she just had to shovel it all into her head .
15 I wanted to ask whether she thought her own life unwasted and whether the fact that she had given birth to me was sufficient justification for it .
16 She looked at her friend and wanted to ask whether she had a few days to spare , because that was how long any description of him would take .
17 I wanted to ask if she had died peacefully , whether they had used a syringe driver , if there 'd been anyone to comfort her .
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