Example sentences of "wanted [to-vb] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to object but I did not know how to do so .
2 I just wanted to see if he practised what he preached .
3 I wanted to go but she did n't have eno any more tickets .
4 Erm she was in India and I wanted to go and she said a Hindi course at A T R in Zurich .
5 And if Feargal wanted to pretend that she did n't exist , well , who the hell cared ?
6 ‘ When I bought the VF I left it completely standard because I wanted to establish if I had any talent .
7 Our Medical Superintendent wanted to know whether we had beds allocated in the Outer London hospitals for the civilian casualties who were with us , and the non-infectious soldiers .
8 He wanted to know whether you 'd solved the case yet . ’
9 I just wanted to know whether you did .
10 If peace was not obtainable on these terms , then of course he wanted victory , and he wanted to know before he started the battle that he could be certain of gaining it .
11 Course , he wanted to know if we 'd got a video we could lend him .
12 She wanted to know if they liked America and appearing in movies .
13 ‘ Anyway , Laura wanted to know if anybody had reported that the undertaker was missing . ’
14 We also wanted to know if anybody had any views on I mean it .
15 He wanted to know if she had seen O'Hara .
16 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
17 Mr Millan was pressed by Dennis Canavan ( Lab , Falkirk W ) , who wanted to know if he saw any scope in the campaign for a Scottish parliament for EC intervention on subsidiarity — devolving decision-making powers from Brussels to national governments .
18 They wanted to know if he had ever grown a beard ?
19 ‘ I just wanted to know if you loved her , ’ Ruth interrupted urgently .
20 ‘ He wanted to know if you taped the call . ’
21 Oh no I just wanted to know if you wanted any that was all .
22 He wanted to know if I knew this George Paston .
23 I was earning £18 a week at the time and Caroline 's father , a twinkle in his eye , wanted to know if I thought that was enough to live on .
24 She said to Rourke , ‘ You wanted to know if I 'd lent out keys to anyone — the telephone engineer , you said , and the man who came to see to the new extension around the back . ’
25 ‘ Mary wanted to know if I planned to marry you .
26 He wanted to know if I minded being illegitimate … ’
27 Women who I had attacked for bringing up boy children wanted to know if it had been an immaculate conception or simply parthenogenesis , and what was I going to do with it if it were a boy ?
28 ‘ What makes Worsdale 's work so interesting to you ? ’ he wanted to know as they walked through the gallery , passing among the tourists and the students and the other visitors .
29 ‘ What enchants you in particular ? ’ he wanted to know as he downed some of his coffee .
30 Hardly how she wanted to appear when she 'd planned on wearing the dress to visit the hotels she wanted to do business with .
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