Example sentences of "sometimes [pron] is [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is best to wait for 3 to 6 months or even a year to do this .
2 Sometimes it is better to let the children have free time when they just run around in the garden or hall .
3 Sometimes it is better to make the parafoil and fold it before the pack is made ; then create a paper pattern around it .
4 Sometimes it is easy to confuse price with value .
5 Sometimes it is correct to draw such a conclusion from this kind of evidence .
6 Sometimes it is helpful to give an ice cold drink a few minutes before a meal to relive the difficulty of chewing or swallowing .
7 Sometimes it is necessary to include intermediate nodes , which do not actually represent records , but are included to maintain the correct hierarchical structure , so that they will be processed in the required order .
8 Sometimes it is necessary to wait for an incoming aircraft which might cause a slight delay before you proceed to the resort .
9 Sometimes it is necessary to wait as long as two years before the upheaval and upset dies down to a level where you are really ready to cope again .
10 Er the Government find it absolutely unacceptable for people to wait on trolleys , once the decision for admission has been made er but My Lords sometimes it is necessary to wait er for observation purposes or sometimes for diagnostic treatments , er which actually have to take place in the A and E department er but My Lords it 's very interesting to see how similar hospitals vary , even within the same vicinity and we believe a great deal of this is due to poor management .
11 Sometimes it is necessary to take bits out because they need special coaching , but always put them back in context .
12 Sometimes it is necessary to campaign for more resources by pointing out deficiencies .
13 Sometimes it is necessary to tell people they have n't burned their boats .
14 Sometimes it is useful to set up a single printer as several devices , each configured to a different printer mode .
15 Sometimes it is useful to appoint a team leader to help with the organization of the teams .
16 Sometimes it is impossible to tell the difference between a solid model and a 3D drawing .
17 Indeed , sometimes it is impossible to launch a boat , and anglers should treat Loch Hope with great respect .
18 Sometimes it is impossible to determine the purpose and no intervention is possible on this ground as , for example , in British Oxygen Co .
19 Sometimes it is good to get away from the particular disciplines of our own medium and techniques and try something else .
20 The difficulty is that although sometimes it is possible to point to an intention to compel action on the part of the target , as when the aim is to prevent employees from working , or to force a local councillor to vote differently , or to stop another organisation from marching that intention is not invariably present .
21 Sometimes it is possible to decide what particular activities bring on an attack of giddiness .
22 There should , in any case , be a wholeness to the item , even when showing variety , but sometimes it is possible to show variations on one particular technique , e.g. a travelling item .
23 Sometimes it is possible to trace some problems with tempo or balance to the parts the musicians are using .
24 Sometimes it is possible to get three crops a year , an enormous yield .
25 Sometimes it is enough to put on cotton gloves ; if not , the best plan is to make a splint of corrugated cardboard [ illustrated in original ] ; this allows free movement of the arm from the shoulder joint but prevents the hand from getting to the mouth .
26 Sometimes it is enough to scrub with ordinary bleach and rinse off , sealing with polyurethane afterwards as usual .
27 Sometimes it is acceptable to treat such words or concepts as equivalent to one another , but on other occasions it is important to differentiate between them .
28 Sometimes it is difficult to penetrate beyond aesthetic appreciation .
29 Similarly when children have been ill , parental expectations of their behaviour changes , and sometimes it is difficult to re-establish previous patterns of sleep and feeding when a parent is unsure whether the child is fully recovered .
30 Sometimes it is difficult to do more because of an instruction manual which is hard to understand .
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