Example sentences of "morning of [art] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 But by the morning of the fifth day , rider and horse became a team , and by that afternoon Artemis and her teacher went for a stiff ten-mile hack .
2 On the morning of the following day , 23 May , before Eighth Army could be informed of the conclusions of this meeting , a further signal arrived at AFHQ for Gen MacLeod DAG from the Assistant AG Eighth Army , Lt-Co1 Ti1ley [ KP 226 ] .
3 At eleven o'clock on the morning of the eleventh day of the eleventh month — November 1918 — the Great War ended .
4 You left one afternoon and arrived on the morning of the third day .
5 The temple at Edfu , which we reached on the morning of the third day , was dedicated to Horus , for this was the spot where he was said to have vanquished Seth , and thus to have established the ascendancy of good over evil , This is never a , convincing concept , and the reliefs display the struggle and its happy outcome with an adamancy that seems to betray doubt .
6 On the morning of the third day we went to the prison court where the governor sits .
7 Early on the morning of the third day after his return , his worst fears were realised .
8 Harvey spent a lot of time in the office and apart from asking me if I 'd spoken to Dawlish — a suggestion which I impassively denied — he did n't say much to me until the morning of the third day , which was a Tuesday .
9 But these signals did not reach AFHQ until the morning of the next day , 15 May , long after Robertson had sent his response to McCreery 's AC/189 which had only asked for " immediate steps " to be taken over the approach of Army Group E , and which had made no specific reference to Croats .
10 Leonard 's circumcision took place , in accordance with Jewish law , on the morning of the eighth day after his birth ; several prayers of blessings being recited before the actual ceremony , at which Nathan his father offered the solemn prayer :
11 On the morning of the sixth day , Hullabaloo and Artemis jumped a line of good hedges in perfect harmony , and by the end of the first week Annellie Clyde considered her pupil ready for her first full day out .
12 By now it was the morning of the fourth day and West Indies had a lead of 164 ; clearly quick runs were needed to make sure they had plenty of time to bowl England out again .
13 On the morning of the fourth day , with Men and People still in pursuit wherever he went , Creggan headed for a place where the food was where no Men were near .
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