Example sentences of "sense of [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is still with a sense of amazement at the flights of human inanity that Ruth Michaelis relates the experience of her brother Martin , who found himself in serious trouble with his foster family :
2 He or she can feel a very real , very deep sense of nausea at the intrusion , and often find that they can no longer regard their house as home .
3 His mind filled with primitive lore and with a sense of awkwardness at the numerous exhausting social roles he had to play in addition to that of the London banker , Eliot wrote to Mary Hutchinson in 1920 worrying about his inherited characteristics and suggesting that he might be a savage himself .
4 This would increase the fitness of the class-members , their sense of well-being at the end of the session and also their physical appearance .
5 Anyone who is not relaxed and glowing with a sense of well-being at the wheel of a good Stag should keep their money in the building society .
6 Karen welcomed this as further evidence of my tact and seriousness , which she ascribed to a sense of responsibility at the prospect of becoming the pater of a tiny foetus .
7 Almost everyone , man or woman , feels some sense of misgiving at the prospect of retirement , and for men in particular , it can seem like being ‘ thrown on the scrap heap ’ .
8 But if there was a sense of excitement at the meeting about these new results , there was also a sense of urgency .
9 This rift in work relationships can be shattering , producing a sense of redundancy at a time when it is too late to retrain or seek another label and identity .
10 Although their dress was not equipped to deal with soaking weather and although they may have been expected to turn back at the sight of such greyness , they continued and even displayed some sense of enjoyment at the discomfort each was experiencing .
11 Gift 's bombast is quite at odds with the gnawing sense of LACK at the heart of the lyric .
12 His delight and sense of wonder at the growth of his baby were erratic as other interests pressed , but real enough .
13 I can well understand the plaintiffs ' sense of indignation at the defendants ' breaches of the injunction , and the court will have to consider very carefully all aspects of those breaches when the inevitable contempt proceedings are heard .
14 And there is a growing sense of horror at the treatment to which farm animals have been subjected in ‘ animal-loving ’ Britain since the Second World War .
15 Either like a snap of the fingers , leaving a sense of bewilderment at the ease with which the line between existence and history could be crossed , or else it was damned hard labour which could seem to take forever , like attempting to snuff out one of those trick candles where the flame dodged and dipped but would n't disappear .
16 Good Sex ‘ Subtitled ‘ Real Stories From Real People ’ , this is absolutely guaranteed to hook its claws into your voyeuristic nature while simultaneously engendering a massive sense of relief at the drabness of your own sex life .
17 The sense of shock at the decision in Germany yesterday had not dissipated .
18 I hope you have been able to develop and promote your ideas with other interested parties since then , but I share your sense of frustration at the slow progress and limited imagination being displayed .
19 Since the publication of the General Theory there had always been a nagging sense of unease at the treatment of prices in Keynesian macroeconomics .
20 As the war continued and the death toll at sea mounted , Wilson 's patriotism , his sense of outrage at the methods by the German government to break the Allied blockade and the strength of his anti-German sentiments grew until they became almost pathological .
21 Disentangling Phase 3 heads ' analysis of their use of PNP staff from their collective sense of outrage at the phasing policy is difficult .
22 His religious up-bringing also shines forth in Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden , of 1981 , and in his sense of outrage at The Anglican Seminary Blown Up by Mister Nobody .
23 I share AA Miller 's sense of outrage at the crimes he lists ( Points of View , today ) , but I do not thereupon throw reason out of the window .
24 But he felt a tremendous sense of awe at the invitation to visit the President as an equal .
25 Their peculiar Techno mutation is the one most likely to find favour with music lovers , as they do n't discard a sense of melody at the altar of rhythm .
26 This comes in part from a. sense of shame at the memory of the Nazi concentration camps .
27 But the miners ' sense of anger at the prolonged destruction of their industry is also worthy of note .
28 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
29 One could experience a sense of ecstasy at the disclosure of nature 's secrets and a sense of the sublime in contemplating its works .
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