Example sentences of "whole [adj] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the whole odd train of events is most unlikely to have happened in real life .
2 It becomes clear The Orb are a whole different kettle of dolphins to their popular image as aloof , KLF-style pranksters .
3 Charles sat among Charity 's glossy acquaintances , the only uniform in the whole peculiar set of imbibers , perhaps not so peculiar as the last time he 'd dropped in when the Aleister Crowley entourage gave sinister overtones to the entire pub , the ‘ Black Magician ’ himself in his wide black hat sat surrounded by his followers in equally curious clothes .
4 A form of religion which can be rationalised to meet the needs of the foregoing , is not to be found anywhere in the whole vast accumulation of religions and sects that the world has yet produced .
5 If , as seems probable , most teachers will sort out their pupils into the high and the low fliers at a fairly early stage , and if there is a whole separate set of papers in some subjects for the high and the low , then the difference between the higher grades of GCSE and O levels will not turn out to be very great .
6 Getting to use a whole extra rank of weapons in the face of a charge can come in very handy .
7 Colman 's film credits are a roll-call of Hollywood movies at their prewar and most Anglophile best : Bulldog Drummond ( 1929 ) , Raffles ( 1930 ) , Cynara ( 1932 ) , Clive of India ( 1935 ) , A Tale of Two Cities ( 1935 ) , Under Two Flags ( 1936 ) , Lost Horizon ( 1937 ) , and The Prisoner of Zenda ( 1937 ) , all establishing Colman as one of the richest and most reliable of the Hollywood raj , the man on whom a whole later generation of expatriates , led by David Niven [ q.v. ] , modelled themselves and their officer-and-gentlemanly acting careers .
8 A whole complex system of muscles is brought into paly for each movement of the body : bending an arm involves the shortening of the biceps , while the tricep muscles at the back of the arm must relax and lengthen in unison .
9 A whole complex system of muscles is brought into play for each movement of the body : bending an arm involves the shortening of the biceps , while the tricep muscles at the back of the arm must relax and lengthen in unison .
10 She said there was this female , that the other thing , and there was a whole long list of things that pointed to this interpretation , and it was all part of a , as you say a great mass of data , that erm , is , is quite mind-bogglingly large , if you actually erm , see it in words .
11 You have to understand that the whole linguistic system of signs , signifiers — are you familiar with linguistics ? well , I do n't blame you — all these are different .
12 If this bit , then another , and then the whole preposterous bag of tricks ?
13 The whole critical queue of experts were aghast with horror , their watching silence turned to muttering protest , but the customer I was serving simply nodded his head kindly and proceeded to teach me , mainly by face and hand gestures , how micro-thinly I should be cutting up his precious salami sausage .
14 I quote it in full , in tribute to the whole glorious regiment of women shoppers , firm of purpose and knowing exactly what they want :
15 You 're opening up a whole new can of beans as to why he married this young kind of Lolita-ish girl .
16 Though never on the best-sellers list , Dü waxings remain at the front of many a guitarist 's record collection , and a whole new wave of bands could n't conceive of life without a copy of ‘ New Day Rising ’ .
17 There was no question but that the army , the Lebanese Forces militia , and a whole new wave of volunteers would have put up a desperate resistance .
18 In Britain Izzat faces a whole new range of threats .
19 It could open up a whole new range of products , especially portable equipment .
20 By providing fast links between car parks , residential , office and shopping centres , real-estate planners will have a whole new range of options open to them . ’
21 More precisely , it is where Microsoft hopes a whole new range of Windows software comes in .
22 Its aim is to introduce people who are 50 or over to a whole new range of activities and opportunities so they can realise and put into practice their own particular talents .
23 The academic scientist who seeks and identifies a new chemical messenger is providing his industrial colleagues with the basis for a whole new range of drugs , and the industrial pharmacologist who screens a range of new chemical entities and finds one which alters the behaviour of the brain is offering a new tool for his academic brethren .
24 1991 will bring a whole new range of challenges which we will meet with new vigour , refreshed by the Christmas break .
25 It seems that , once the eukaryotic cell had been invented , a whole new range of designs became possible .
26 This self-propelled weapon was not yet a serious threat ; it still had an effective range of less than a mile , but the tiny torpedo-boats which were beginning to make their appearance heralded a whole new range of warships for the future .
27 Using shades of watercolour paper will offer you a whole new range of opportunities .
28 She was fully stretched preparing her classes , on a whole new range of subjects , marking her essays , researching Domestic Angels and Unfortunate Females , and making herself generally indispensable to the Department .
29 In the last two decades a whole new system of checks and balances — the prostaglandin system — has been discovered .
30 Despite the increase of unbelief , beginning well before the Origin of Species and showing itself in a whole new genre of novels of religious doubt starting with J. A. Froude 's Nemesis of Faith ( 1849 ) , the late Victorian period saw the enormous expansion of the missionary enterprise and of church building .
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