Example sentences of "better [noun] than it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically , during the war years , the pitch was in better condition than it had ever been , as it was given over to the growing of carrots and potatoes .
2 ‘ It should deliver a better stream than it does .
3 Perhaps The Gilded Cage was a better employer than it appeared .
4 Greg Downs says the club is in a better position than it 's been for eight or nine years and if they can play as well as last year they 've got a good chance
5 Why tolerate the misery of unemployed people when , if given jobs on works of improvement , it would make a Britain with better services than it has at present ?
6 Hongkong Bank is inheriting a bank in better shape than it has been in for more than a decade .
7 Evans is convinced it ended up with a better dealer than it started with , and has £2m of cash to play with .
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