Example sentences of "either in [noun sg] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
2 Students shall keep the prescribed terms for their courses and at the direction of the Senate may have to fulfil such additional requirements either in vacation or in intercalary periods as may be specified in course regulations .
3 Like its counterpart in section 4 , the offence can be committed either in public or in private , subject to the private dwelling exemption .
4 On the other hand , comparisons with national data may be less relevant in that there may be broad geographical variations either in incidence or in case ascertainment that would make it difficult to determine whether an increase in Seascale or Allerdale and Copeland was a local effect ( and hence possibly related to Sellafield ) or whether it affected the whole of Cumbria .
5 amounts involved , either in percentage or in monetary terms
6 Too often , public readers are not trained , either in technique or in appreciation of their role , for this important ministry of mediating the power of the word .
7 It is ironic both that the new architecture of the masses should eventually have ended the dominance of great houses , and that more ordinary men and women should have become protagonists in the novel , for these were not the developments , either in life or in art , that Disraeli had in mind .
8 There are reasons showing that it is better to require that the tax due shall be paid either in quarterly or in monthly payments .
9 The fact was that talking to her either in person or on the phone gave him a sort of erection .
10 A creditor may vote either in person or by proxy .
11 There is a booking system for the use of the CD-ROMs and readers can book one hour sessions in advance , either in person or by telephone .
12 This is provided it is agreed to by a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the members , or class of members , present and voting either in person or by proxy at the court-convened meeting to approve it and provided the scheme is sanctioned by the court .
13 Certainly almost all of the characters that Burdon lists have been shown to be of selective importance either in clover or in some related species , though sometimes under very specialized circumstances .
14 Pollen grains , which consist largely of precious genetic material , are quite demanding for a plant to produce and many flowers offer , either in addition or as an alternative , a payment that is considerably cheaper for it is nothing more than sweetened water , nectar .
15 205(1) ( xxvii ) " Term of years absolute " means a term of years ( taking effect either in possession or in reversion whether or not at a rent ) with or without impeachment for waste , subject or not to another legal estate , and either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; but does not include any term of years determinable with life or lives or with the cesser of a determinable life interest , nor , if created after the commencement of this Act , a term of years which is not expressed to take
16 Attempts by both India and China to open their economies in the 1980s have resulted in a tug-of-war between their economic liberals and economic conservatives , which shows every sign of ending either in stalemate or in a victory for the conservatives .
17 I had some difficulty in persuading him that I had not even seen , let alone read , the book , either in manuscript or in print .
18 The machine tool industry meets the worst of the problem , as it is at the end of the manufacturing cycle and can not respond quickly either in recession or in a boom , because of the long lead-times involved in production and delivery .
19 What is manifestly not disorganized in disorganized capitalism as a set of social relations is capital , either in abstraction or as a ‘ system force ’ in crucial locations , but especially at the point of production .
20 He has mentioned most of them in earlier correspondence with me and I see many hon. Members on the Opposition Benches who have also mentioned them , either in correspondence or in parliamentary questions .
21 No birds sang , either in memory or in the dream . )
22 The SADCC executive secretary Simbarashe Makoni admitted , however , that " there was no mechanism " , either in trading or in transport terms , for local surpluses to be made available for the needs of neighbouring countries if they were unable to afford a commercial purchase .
23 Most clinics divide either in space or in time into male and female sessions .
24 Where the demised property is unusual either in size or in character , or where it is so valuable that small points have large financial consequences , determination by arbitration may be the better method since there will be an opportunity for full argument .
25 Applicants should have , or expect to obtain , a good honours degree ( or its equivalent ) either in Physics or with Physics as a principal subject by that date .
26 Perhaps it was never roofed : if so , it must have had a very high corbelled vault , either in stone or in mudbrick .
27 Our main aim is to offer Oxfordshire and its residents , visitors , graduates and undergraduates the best of late nineteenth- and of twentieth-century theatre by English-speaking playwrights , as well some outstanding modern works written in other languages and performed either in translation or by visiting companies in the original .
28 Because raw cotton is an inflammable material , mills had to be made fireproof either in whole or in part .
29 And because it can be shifted from one spouse to the other , either in whole or in part , it is a valuable tax-avoiding tool .
30 There are several instances where immigrant minorities have eventually taken over control of the host community either in whole or in part , Palestine and India being two examples in this century .
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