Example sentences of "particularly with the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The complex jaw arrangement and the relatively large tentacle pores of O. valenciennesi suggest an affinity with the subfamily Ophiotominae particularly with the genus Ophiopristis .
2 The ARFU has been concerned at the falling standard of sevens , particularly with the World Cup Sevens to be played in April next year at Murrayfield .
3 The use of his name and his connection with the area , particularly with the Physic Garden and also his reputation abroad , lent an air of authority to these pieces of china — as no doubt Mr Sprimont , the astute manager of the factory appreciated .
4 I would hope over the next few years we actually do move towards increasing towards that but I think we will have some severe difficulties , particularly with the planning department where large numbers of members of the public do visit the area .
5 All four of them experimented with drugs , most particularly with the hallucinogen LSD , which was the single greatest chemical contribution to the Sixties .
6 Putting on the roof was the most satisfying job : it is precision work which is easier than it looks — particularly with the plastic ridge fixings and verges .
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