Example sentences of "felt [that] [pron] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Blake felt that everyone was looking at him .
2 I was very happy teaching pretty little Adèle in the daytime , and talking to kind old Mrs Fairfax in the evening , but I felt that something was missing from my life .
3 He felt that something was waiting out there , that to venture beyond the lights ' pale embrace for whatever reason — necessity , whim or duty — was to take one 's life in one 's hands .
4 Although John felt that we were pulling a rather large practical joke his sense of humour did prove to be a lot better than most we had encountered recently .
5 Such contributions were highly valued because the members felt that they were learning much about their own school .
6 As they clung together in that unutterable pleasure , he felt that they were defying everything that had persecuted them .
7 It had been a hard year , the public felt Lauda had been ill done by , and everyone felt that they were seeing the apotheosis of one of the great drivers and the first signs of greatness in his natural successor , Alain Prost .
8 ‘ I do n't think they , or the likes of Norman Mailer and Budd Schulberg ever felt that they were slumming when they wrote for the sports pages , ’ says McIlvanney .
9 But for the month of December , the students felt that they were riding a well-placed political movement .
10 His rigorous moral choice against communism strengthened a sense of moral superiority among the Germans , who felt that they were holding the fort for the free world :
11 Even in the smaller specific groups , women often felt that they were struggling against thinly-disguised misogyny .
12 Some felt that they were hurrying into an epoch of unprecedented enlightenment , in which better education and beneficent technology would ensure wealth and leisure for all .
13 Only 1 per cent felt that they were leading a very unhealthy lifestyle ( Table 6.4 ) .
14 He felt that they were making fun of him , though he could not understand why .
15 The following day she felt that everything was going very slowly and by the next day she felt that she was back to normal .
16 I felt that I was using a part of me that was n't used to functioning and I 've just recently started juggling
17 I felt that I was looking right into the worms of pain in his skull , but they turned into slugs trying to eat their own tails .
18 The children responded well , and at last I felt that I was achieving something .
19 I sometimes felt that I was taking unfair advantage of the family 's need to talk through their problems with a sympathetic outsider .
20 When I moves to this area just over two years ago I knew no-one , my two older children were at school and , although I enjoyed being at home with my two-year-old toddler , I felt that I was getting past the stage of discussing sleepless nights and dirty nappies !
21 She felt that I was getting in the way .
22 ‘ I began to lose consciousness and felt that I was standing on the world 's edge aside of a high , dark space looking across it , thinking that I was about to enter into it .
23 ‘ I suddenly felt that I was doing it to a bunch of people that actually understood what Lear 's pain was about , whereas I do n't standing on the stage at the National Theatre ’ : Brian Cox 's concerns about audience reactions and the nature of the dramatic experience are echoed by others .
24 ‘ I felt that I was doing no wrong .
25 ‘ I felt that it was going really well out there and I was enjoying it .
26 However , as an economist and Labour supporter , I was never convinced by its campaign , or felt that it was winning or deserved to win .
27 Richmond bureau was prompted into this action when it felt that it was losing advice workers because of the tensions involved in the work and because insufficient support was given to alleviate it .
28 Although he was still away fairly often , visiting the mills in Leeds and Bradford which provided the bulk of his income , he was more relaxed now that he felt that he was mastering the intricacies of the various businesses which had been allowed to slip into low productivity during his father 's ill-health .
29 And there is some indication that Baldwin , from this time forward , felt that he was dealing with a time-expired Prime Minister .
30 The truth was , I suppose , that by renouncing champagne , of which he was as fond as Lewis , Eliot felt that he was exercising a measure of self-denial .
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