Example sentences of "felt he [vb past] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Pete Woodward got one of the dead centres and he felt he 'd erased the previous day 's disaster .
2 I 'm pretty sure , in the way these things work , that Alfred felt he had made the wrong choice and , illogically , held it against Matthew .
3 A firm believer in mysticism and fate , he felt he had ignored the course his intuition was guiding him to follow .
4 Even before he had left America , he felt he had exhausted the possibilities of the European 12-tone composers and the American tonalists who had provided his early models .
5 It was only the third script to be completed ( Coburn 's ‘ The Tribe of Gum ’ serial , retitled ‘ Doctor Who and 100,000 BC ’ , and John Lucarotti 's ‘ Journey to Cathay ’ preceding it ) , but at once Whitaker felt he had found the right niche for Doctor Who 's presentation of science fiction .
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