Example sentences of "only [noun sg] i [verb] make " in BNC.

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1 But ‘ On Every Street ’ is a good recording ; it 's actually the only album I 've made that I can listen to !
2 The only leverage I have to make the users act rationally is to show them the effect these price hikes have on my book fund , about which they are just a tad sensitive .
3 although that is the only error I 've made in these figures I , not myself
4 Er the only point I wish to make is that there is considerable variability we have found in the grading erm and the Ministry of Agriculture maps can not be relied upon for relatively small er or larger areas .
5 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
6 The only comment I wish to make at this stage is that the court recognised that I had no intention to act in defiance of an order of the court or to hold myself above the law .
7 This house , two children , a failed marriage , and a job which I 'm frightened of losing because it 's the only thing I 've made a success of . "
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