Example sentences of "only [noun sg] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The revived concern for retributive justice has not been the only response to the failure of the rehabilitative ideal .
2 Aside from two unspeaking extras and a voice-over artist , the only addition to the cast was actor Ray Barrett , playing both Bennett and Koquillion .
3 Her only concession to the occasion was that she wore silk , a green silk trouser-suit with the shirt open and a black camisole top beneath it .
4 The cuffs of his cream silk shirt were still linked , the discreet but expensive tie still knotted at his neck ; his only concession to the sun was that his light blue blazer was carefully laid out along the back seat .
5 The only concession to the consumers in this awful , artless building is an attempt to build community spirit into the structure , as if this , one of the few social assets of the working class , would otherwise be given no natural home .
6 This was not the only blow to the club .
7 He was my only route to the assassin . ’
8 Nizan followed each stage with a gloomy sense of foreboding , yet convinced all the while that collective security still offered the only route to the preservation of peace .
9 Shoresea Street is the only route to the A one four four .
10 The road was unmade , but because it was the only route to the peat bog it was worn smooth by peasants , bicycle tyres and barrow wheels .
11 The great majority of voters give their first vote either to the CDU/CSU or to the SPD in much the same way as most British voters give their only vote to the Conservatives or Labour : that is where their basic loyalty lies .
12 This tunnel is the only entrance to the city itself , and it is protected by a fortress at each end .
13 It will dawn on her that an arranged marriage with some elderly ( and hopefully impotent ) Limnititzker may be the only key to the door of this lost and tantalising world . ’
14 Adam had given his only key to the estate agent .
15 Sizewell B continues to be Britain 's only entry to the construction list .
16 It 's even better if it 's a high gate , kept locked , and blocks the only entry to the rear , so a thief would have to climb over it .
17 It also seems likely that unemployment and other social problems contributed further to the view that Labour offered the only alternative to the failures of capitalism — no matter how illusory that viewpoint may have been .
18 In any case , since the site-owner and his insurer will never be sure they can prove the liability of the installer , the existence of the installer 's liability cover will not reduce the fire premium , so that the only alternative to the site-owner bearing the risk will be double insurance , which benefits neither side .
19 The terms of this argument repeat exactly those of the critical debate about univocal meaning , according to which the only alternative to the idea that history has a single meaning must be that it has none at all .
20 The only witness to the robbery had met his demise possibly due to the blows to his head sustained during the robbery .
21 " Maybe you 'd better do for me too , then , " Sam replied , " for it was my cockboat we rowed across in , and I 'm the only witness to the murder , for that 's what it was .
22 This is the only reference to the possibility that some anti-Tito Yugoslavs might be handed over , and there is no mention , either to the Foreign Office or to Grigg , of any discussions or decisions about the future of the Cossacks .
23 He remembered that his wife had one precious jewel , and he did what no man should ever do — he went and gave his wife 's only jewel to the beggar .
24 The only disturbance to the peace of this natural sanctuary occurred 120 years ago when a spectacular railway was laid at a high level across the head of the valley ; this apart , Dentdale today is very much as it was three centuries ago , happily free from modern developments and well content to remain so .
25 The only drawback to the course was the way my calves refused to move first thing in the morning ; the pluses ? — meeting and making new friends and returning home refreshed and energised in mind and body .
26 Both spiders hunt at night , and the sounds of the insects ' wingbeats are their only guide to the position of their prey .
27 These last items are the only giveaway to the car 's ferocious ability .
28 The only access to the village would be blocked for long periods .
29 It seemed as if Four Winds did , indeed , have the only access to the beach .
30 The dock company , being responsible for the port 's facilities had control of the Gillingham Gate , the only access to the port and , therefore , all vehicles going to and from the port had to use Bridge Road and Medway Road .
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