Example sentences of "kind of [noun sg] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Children are influenced most by example and by the kind of person the step-parent is . ’
2 Mind you , I ca n't remember Leeds getting the same kind of coverage a year ago that the Scum got last night .
3 One relative , understandably upset , rang THe Manchester Evening News who used the outrage as a lead story , giving The Smiths the kind of publicity no band would relish .
4 In this anecdotal kind of story the device is , on the whole , pleasing to the reader , even after being caught out by it , and so it is permissible .
5 The customer called him Francis : a first name , a last name , a man 's , a woman 's ; it allowed the kind of vagueness the supplier liked .
6 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to call on David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price the Foundation charges for a licence : it says the Foundation is now redoing its sums .
7 You can find out what kind of speller a pupil is firstly , by the very simple checklist above and secondly , by detailed analysis which pinpoints the weak points .
8 ‘ It is the kind of approach the council needs to take if we are to avoid the kind of apartheid against disabled people which this town may develop . ’
9 and you can do a package deal as such , but you incorporate all the advertising they do , but you 'll have to get in there and kind of knock a deal out
10 Do they understand the significance of a certain uniform for instance , or the kind of case a character is carrying ?
11 The kind of smile a snake makes before it unhinges its jaws and swallows an egg .
12 It looked to the children more like the kind of grin a tiger might give before it pounced on its prey .
13 It has already made up its mind what kind of literature the Bible is .
14 Sometimes samples are taken of the natural life found in stream beds to construct a biotic index of the watercourse which will indicate its cleanliness by the kind of life the water will support .
15 She could see , as plain as the nose on her face , that here was a man of the self-centred , philandering , dangerous variety , the kind of man no girl in her right mind would risk getting involved with … so how come her hormones were letting her down in this maddening way ?
16 Hardly the kind of man a wife dreams about , she told herself .
17 The American tradition of the fine photographic print may have been an irresistible provocation — but there were plenty of precedents available for the kind of work the Starn Twins wanted to do ( notably the expansively scored and painted photographic base used by Anselm Kiefer ; Julian Schnabel 's broken plates ) .
18 It 's the kind of operation the Community Health Council believes could soon be transferred out of the county :
19 In this kind of novel the act of narration is modelled on a speech act in which one person tells a story to another .
20 Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon .
21 It should be possible to relate the reader 's personality traits to the kind of response the reader will make to a particular story or information book .
22 I wonder what kind of response the crowd will give him ?
23 In keeping with this thesis , Lodge is prepared to see no difference between the kind of choice a writer makes in deciding to call a character dark or fair , and the choice between synonyms such as dark and swarthy .
24 In the case of natural language , natives ' pre-formal agreement on the boundaries of grammatical division is the most important kind of evidence the linguist can glean as he searches for the grammatical recipes and ingredients of sentence meaning .
25 Those who argued its virtues saw in this new kind of school an opportunity to blend the best in primary and secondary habits and , in particular , to extend for two extra years some of the freedom associated with good primary-school practice .
26 She wondered what kind of existence the computer programmed after death .
27 erm it 's , it 's a kind of dancey kind of hate the word but raveish type music but a bit mellower .
28 Taste is then seen principally as the cause of ‘ classism ’ , which can be defined as the kind of distaste the middle and upper classes feel for the vulgar in fun fairs , cheap commodities , artificial copies , or lack of style , and the contempt working people feel for the pretentious , cold and degenerate middle and upper classes .
29 Studies of Health Authorities in the 1980s unearthed many examples of the kind of member the government has in mind but whose impact was minimal ( Haywood & Ranade , 1985 ) .
30 Efforts to interest people with experience of business and top management in authority membership ( DH , 1990 ) make clear the kind of experience the government considers to be particularly relevant .
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