Example sentences of "kind of [noun] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That is precisely the background to the study which was conducted by the four chiefs of defence staff , they were asking that kind of question and I 'll now ask the Group Captain to respond .
2 There was more than one kind of love and he was lucky to have even a small share of hers .
3 He 's from the North , talks a bit like us , he 's got the same kind of outlook and he told us not to be taken in by America , that it 's not real .
4 Delaunay was himself profoundly aware that he had evolved a new kind of painting and he communicated his discoveries to Apollinaire with whom he had become very friendly .
5 A spokesman for the Oxford diocese said : ’ We are very sad that people who are grieving have experienced this kind of rejection and we are very sad that it happened .
6 On the question of the public conveniences erm I feel there 's been a lot of discussion about this , this kind of issue and I feel that what we 've got now is a good agreement erm , we 've got still providing a good level of service with attendance at the central I do n't like referring to conveniences , at the time that they are most needed and I think that now I would n't like to see us go without that if we do n't really need to .
7 Over the last twenty years or so , one of the things that 's slipped has been those kind of things and I believe and Peter may disagree with me , but a lot of the have been because of the commercial fact that the thing that is now driving the newspapers more than anything else is , is the advertising and advertising revenues and that drives the style of newspapers and stories that are written .
8 Only the strong figure of David Wallington seemed to promise any kind of help and she called out to him .
9 Les Conn : ‘ Well , of course , the people were n't prepared for that kind of entertainment and they all put their hands over their ears , and Bloom started screaming , ‘ Get them off , they 're ruining my wedding party ’ .
10 You know I asked you to commit yourself , how much do you think it 's worth for me to do all this kind of work and he 's , you 're confused because you think I 'm actually talking about money and I take the weight off your shoulders by saying no it 's not actually money , it 's in the form of two or three names , people open minded like yourself , who I can sit down and discuss the whole situation with
11 The Fender ca n't really cope with the 335 at high volumes because it 's such a powerful guitar , so the Hartke adds a hard kind of edge and it keeps the bottom end really tight and sharp . '
12 Sustainable use is the key idea behind any kind of progress and we must do everything we can to support this , both in terms of financial aid and consumer ethics .
13 er , you know proper algebra and all that kind of stuff and it , and it was , I think I would of been better if I had of gone to Our Ladies cos I do n't
14 But the females compete for males because the male has a pouch literally on the front of his , of his belly , you know what a sea horse looks like , he looks like a horse actually , not surprisingly , you know they have this kind of , they have a kind of tail and they have this kind of pouch .
15 It was as if I needed proof that your first letter was not some kind of trick and you were dead after all .
16 ‘ It was during the post-punk kind of period and I went through a series of bands , but I must admit I found working for other people really difficult .
17 I 'll have to wallpaper your bathroom , then paint it , I then have to touch up the door cos it 's that kind of paint and I had it like , on the top of the loo , I was doing it up a bit , and the next thing I saw was Felix coming onto the back of the wind ah
18 In fact , one in 10 people in this country have some kind of disability and it is pointless to consider 5.5 million people as a separately identifiable group .
19 Very many investigations can follow this kind of pattern and you can always encourage pupils to take this approach if they are stuck or you are unable to see where else they might go .
20 ‘ I mean , he 's from the right kind of background and he has more money that he knows what to do with .
21 Within a cell what happens is this right a cell , what happens is that erm D N A is copied on to something called erm R N A , which is a kind of template , messenger R N A , it 's a kind of copy and it 's a single strand , corresponding to one of the strands on the original D N A with the same base structure .
22 As Mr Hallam tried to get up , a member of the opposing team grabbed hold of him in a kind of headlock and he saw Newton kick Mr Hallam in the jaw .
23 This is a mixture of tiredness and a kind of boredom and it produces a deterioration in mental performance .
24 I do n't know of any other event where you get that kind of pressure and you just ca n't simulate that .
25 ‘ Carmen regards him as a kind of guru and I 'm the first to admit he 's been an invaluable catalyst in her career , but I wish he could talk about something other than medicine . ’
26 She hates parks ; it takes half an hour to get there from the flats and then the kids are put inside one lot of railings like some kind of animals and you walk up and down inside another lot and watch them .
27 And so this interest in marriage and this kind of fascination and you kn I think it would be very natural , I think , for a gay person to feel terribly envious of people who can create a family and er and this kind of fascination with babies .
28 He created around himself at Hamilton Terrace a kind of family and it was this aspect of his life that allowed Susan Einzig to conceive of herself as a mother figure .
29 Yes , I have seen this kind of thing and it is something we avoid completely .
30 cos I mean I get er talked about it and I know about it and that kind of thing and I that Darrel
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