Example sentences of "began [verb] [adv] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Traditional Hawaiian society only began to fall apart when the godhead became detached from the environment : when Captain Cook arrived and ushered in a foreign idol , ubiquitous , omnipotent , immortal , but disembodied , absent , invisible .
2 Unfortunately , public interest then began to fall off and the sing was suspended from 1866 until 1894 , except for a special event to raise funds for new public baths for Holmfirth in 1887 .
3 The sound of the gun silenced the Chinese for a few seconds , then a lone woman 's voice began wailing again and the Shermans saw a thin ragged body forced up against the underside of the grille .
4 When the islands were first settled , the population began to increase rapidly and the number of inhabitants soon exceeded the resources , prompting emigration to other Portuguese lands .
5 The Doctor began to talk faster as the pain built up .
6 Grant felt a gentle lethargy creeping over him , and the aches and pains of his battered body began to ebb away as the drug started to take effect .
7 The nocturne began to grow again and the music was her essence .
8 Continents began to drift apart as the molten basaltic lava welled up from cracks in the seabed ( see Chapter 8 ) .
9 Her cheeks began to fill out and the hollows by her collar bone were less noticeable , but the dullness in her blue eyes persisted .
10 The men began moving restlessly when the young gunman raised his hand .
11 The end came soon after the 62-year old patient 's kidneys began to shut down and the amount of blood pumped by his artificial heart dropped .
12 Where Roberts had commended Prince Albert 's provision of three bedrooms because the use of the living-room as sleeping quarters led to unwholesome crowding , the realists began to point out that the crowding occurred in any case , since even those who could afford to rent the extra rooms , could not afford to furnish them .
13 Once a grass-snake slid across the path in front of her and made her halt sharply with a startled cry , but she went resolutely on again , and at last the trees began to thin out and the patch of sky in front of her widen .
14 The birds hopped and sang for perhaps two minutes ; then the mechanism began to run down and the birds hopped more and more slowly and heavily , the twittering drew itself out in gasps .
15 Then , as if to break the spell , the sheep dogs began to bark frenziedly and the nearby sheep stampeded as if they sensed impending danger .
16 Bayonets were carefully sharpened then fixed ; hearts began to beat faster as the minutes passed , and they waited in silence for the command to advance .
17 The disaster on the London-Belfast flight happened after one of the Boeing 's two engines began to break up and the crew mistakenly shut down the other one .
18 Then the heavy cloud began to break up and the pearly rays of the morning sun beamed down on a spume-streaked sea that glistened in shades of emerald and jade .
19 It was only when democracy was restored in Spain that this legacy truly began to break down and the form of state enterprises changed to accommodate the interests of organized labour .
20 Even though he was on salary for the film , and not a huge one at that , when it began to take off and the weekly gross takings at the box office began mounting in millions rather than thousands , Hopper arranged for Jack to get a percentage .
21 Her voice began to peter out as the tears threatened .
22 It began to snow again and the dark streets of Berlin had a new , immaculate blanket , hiding the grime and grease of the day .
23 The prices of another , broader category of goods began to rise faster than the general price level and attracted enormous sums of speculative funds .
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