Example sentences of "likely [prep] [be] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Even more important was his use of lymph taken from a smallpox pustule in its early stage of development , rather than from a mature pustule which was likely to be contaminated with a variety of organisms .
2 Others prefer residential care because they are more likely to be placed with their brothers and sisters and friends , whilst in foster care solitary placements are more often the norm .
3 Any real celebrations in Dublin this year are likely to be laced with black humour , bitterness and irony , as well as laughter , wit and mockery .
4 It always has to be borne in mind in orthodox research that while strains of laboratory animals are highly inbred to ensure , as far as possible , consistency of response , complete homogeneity can never be guaranteed , and genetic similarity is even less likely to be achieved with plants .
5 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
6 In the current climate , any band that describe their music as ‘ the sound of John Coltrane fiddling about with Janet Jackson 's trouser leg ’ are likely to be inundated with accusations of pretentiousness .
7 In the current climate , any band that describe their music as ‘ the sound of John Coltrane fiddling about with Janet Jackson 's trouser leg ’ are likely to be inundated with accusations of pretentiousness .
8 They are likely to be beset with other major changes associated with the second half of life .
9 Whatever happens , the TV viewer of the future looks likely to be presented with a bewildering array of alternative television systems , that are unlikely to do much for the sales of HDTV or any other wide-screen television .
10 He predicted that the course record was likely to be broken with a time inside one hour and 50 minutes .
11 The hospital attenders were more likely to be registered with a practice with no diabetic miniclinic and with a general practitioner with no special interest in diabetes .
12 In conventional crime there is no such similar fracture ; a person is charged with the consequences of his/her action ; if someone dies as a consequence of being stabbed , the assailant is more likely to be charged with a homicide offence rather than ‘ carrying an offensive weapon ’ .
13 After an introduction by the presenter , who usually speculates on the issues likely to be raised with the Prime Minister that day ( a tiresome waste of time , especially as he is frequently wrong ) , the programme goes live , with only minimum commentary , till about 3.48 pm when the presenter returns to summarize the exchanges ( another waste of time ) .
14 Testing laboratories and occupational health departments should find the data concerning the proportion of non-responders who have antibodies to core antigen useful in estimating the number of hepatitis B carriers likely to be revealed with use of the protocol suggested in the joint working party 's paper .
15 Delve into their affairs , however , and you are likely to be met with that fixed stare — all Scorpios have piercing eyes — which says mind your own business .
16 One other possible area of danger is that of good facsimiles , which are more likely to be met with from time to time than competent forgeries .
17 Lesser rorqual , pilot whales , Risso 's dolphins , killer whales and porpoises are all likely to be met with in Shetland waters and most of my close encounters have been while I have been drifting with the motor stopped .
18 The lesser rorqual ( or minke , as it is called in Norway ) is the largest of the cetaceans likely to be met with in inshore water around Shetland .
19 Slightly larger than Dunlin ( p. 127 ) , and the only small dark wader with yellow legs likely to be met with on rocky shores .
20 In future , offenders are likely to be punished with ‘ a short , sharp ban ’ rather than a fine .
21 And one blessing is that we are n't likely to be saddled with the tag ‘ Team of the Nineties ’ — which is a real kiss of death — while we 're trying to find our feet in the Premier League . ’
22 So the culture and history of any community is likely to be conflated with the culture and history of men .
23 Elderly women are more likely to be affected with leg ulcers , especially if they are moderately disabled , have suffered from ulceration in the past , and lead restricted social lives .
24 One answer is to compile a comprehensive media list , as outlined above , which takes in all the groups which are likely to be contacted with any frequency .
25 Are the old more likely to be invested with potential power , even supernatural ?
26 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
27 Courts are likely to be faced with more complex parliamentary history and consequently more difficulty in determining whether a statement may be assumed to demonstrate parliamentary intention .
28 Their 10-year-old daughter , Jessica , who is likely to be seen with her head buried in The Beano or a Roald Dahl novel , has provided the inspiration for many of her parents ' books .
29 Milton 's adoption of the high style here distances him from popular dissenting expression , instead giving him a voice ( if not a message ) more likely to be equated with , and find favour among , a sophisticated court culture .
30 The asset is likely to be replaced with a technologically superior asset and as such the replacement cost of the asset held will be difficult to establish even if it was still appropriate .
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