Example sentences of "told his [noun sg] that he " in BNC.

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1 He told his company that he proposed to join a rival newspaper , giving two months ' notice , rather than the 12 months ' notice required by his contract .
2 Arthur Ramsey told his daughter that he chose this colour ‘ because anyone could throw a coffee-cup at the wall without it showing ’ .
3 ‘ Pinder told his wife that he would be staying with his sister Helen who lives in Retford , to avoid wasting a lot of time travelling .
4 According to a posthumous account of Mozart 's last months , he and Constanze drove out to the Prater one fine day at the end of October , during which Mozart told his wife that he was convinced he was writing his own Requiem .
5 Sadat was shocked ; later he told his wife that he could not believe that the Shah would have allowed any foreign power such influence over his country 's affairs .
6 But the Prince stubbornly told his mother that he had already resolved to play polo again the moment his injuries had healed .
7 All was uneventful until one child came home and told his mother that he had met a ‘ funny old man ’ in the cutting , ‘ dressed in funny old clothes ’ .
8 In private he got on very well with Lloyd George , but he never hid his doubts ; in 1917 he told Unionists that Lloyd George was a man who has the defects of his qualities " , and told his audience that he was saying no more than he had told the Prime Minister to his face ; when in 1920 he was told that Unionists would rather hear him attack Lloyd George than defend him , he told this story to the Prime Minister too .
9 He told his brother that he was close to death and would die in a few days .
10 He told his father that he had to go .
11 At the time he told his son that he thought that he had made a discovery which would prove comparable in importance with those of Newton .
12 In a letter to Zborowski dated 27 February , he told his dealer that he was going to work at No. 13 Rue de France .
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