Example sentences of "told [pers pn] [adv] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I did ask if they 'd had a nice meal , but Lisabeth just ‘ harrumphed ’ so I dropped the subject and told them instead that I was going to meet Duncan and collect Salome 's car .
2 ‘ The producers told me later that I got the job because of the winning chemistry between us — and that Pauline had put in a good word for me .
3 He told me later that he had only been a guard for fifteen months , also that the normal takings on this section of the line were approximately £10 , so he was only too pleased to work out a 26% discount for a group booking that realised BR £77.35 from our party .
4 People who visited Saddam 's bunker told me afterwards that it was like an underground city .
5 In fact , I remember when I first introduced him to my father and before he 'd said a word , I said , ‘ This is my father ’ who told me afterwards that he had n't realized that it was a boy because I mean … long hair — his hair was really long .
6 ‘ You never told me before that you did n't like my company , Catherine ! ’ cried Heathcliff .
7 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
8 A friend told me recently that she no longer called herself a Christian .
9 The caterers told me yesterday that they 've got thirty thousand people being wined and dined here in this tented village over the three days .
10 You told me yesterday that you hated the idea of marriage because you could n't stand jealous , possessive men . ’
11 A member of my staff for instance , trying to report sickness absence , told me yesterday that she dialled our number and had to wait more than four minutes before being answered .
12 Told me , she actually told me once that she considered herself lucky to er , have met David , I reckon she did because er , she , she was divorced then and er of course , did n't she have a son ?
13 Without waiting , I asked her , ‘ You told me once that you 'd seen Sister Kenny treat a polio patient . ’
14 He told me once that he had worked as a farm hand for six shillings a day for thirty years , yet still managed to save enough to buy his own little place .
15 You told me once that it was important for a dancer to eat plenty of protein . ’
16 ‘ Years later , ’ recalled Sherrin , ‘ he told me ruefully that he envied David Hemmings , then still a boy soprano , who played the child lead .
17 I I I I 'm until you spoke to the collators department , they told you simply that they knew each other .
18 ‘ I told you before that he 's throwing your plans overboard one by one .
19 Also , how would you feel if your bosses came in and told you suddenly that you can move to another firm ‘ if you want to ’ .
20 If I told you now that we needed another five gangs of floor tilers or whatever it was which you had n't got enough of , it wo n't be floor tilers something you have n't got enough of , everything , could you get them by Monday ?
21 I told him simply that I had felt ill at a very unfortunate moment .
22 When he ordered her to open the safe , she told him truthfully that she did not carry the keys .
23 ‘ We talked about it , ’ said Jenny , ‘ because I told him frankly that I was in love with Jamie , and he looked at me as if I needed my head examined ! ’
24 At least it got her out of his office without more lecturing , and when Glyn presented himself rather smugly she told him smartly that she intended to go to France and she intended to go alone .
25 I disliked these two intensely and did n't like being told off for being rude to them , so I told her peevishly that I was n't staying while they were there and kicked off the slippers , put on my clogs and ran out banging the door behind me .
26 Very soon the landlord appeared , and told her shortly that he possessed neither car nor pony-and-trap .
27 Carl and his mother went to see a performance of Les Miserables in London , and he told her afterwards that he wanted to play the part of Gavroche , the young Parisian urchin .
28 He hesitated , and then told her frankly that he was interested from a financial point of view .
29 And Pam told us yesterday that she ca n't kiss her on the lips .
30 You told us earlier that she was your girlfriend .
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