Example sentences of "themselves [coord] [verb] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course farmers and pastoralists themselves have developed their own and usually effective methods of soil and water conservation which they had evolved themselves and suited their own social relations of production and ecological conditions , but which had been disrupted by the colonial experience ( see Ch. 4 for examples ) .
2 My aims include encouraging pupils to think for themselves and to choose their own methods of working .
3 In South Australia , Holden 's Motor Company at Elizabeth near Adelaide have since 1986 been introducing sophisticated manufacturing technology , as part of an Australian $350 million investment programme , and establishing ‘ family cells ’ — shop-floor groups who organize themselves and monitor their own production performance .
4 Rye is officially what is called an ‘ Ancient Town ’ attached to the Cinque Ports , those small ports along the coasts of Kent and East Sussex which were fortified against the French ; so necessary were they to the Crown that , in 1278 , they were given legal privileges : exemption from taxes , the right to rule themselves and appoint their own judges .
5 Many students looked at Henry — and then at themselves and saw their individual concerns from a new perspective .
6 Meals are different , everybody cooks for themselves and keeps their own cupboard with the universal staples — potatoes , beans , bread , eggs , cornflakes , tea and sugar .
7 Here is William Wheeler , the last great encyclopediast of ants ( 1910 ) , describing Amazon ants at home : they sit about in stolid idleness , or pass the long hours begging the slaves for food or cleaning themselves and burnishing their ruddy armour .
8 Mr Clarke called for a system where prisoners were fed at normal meal times , had the space and opportunity to better themselves and address their offending behaviour .
9 Grown people who are capable of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions .
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