Example sentences of "known [prep] their [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clinique , well known for their superb skin care products have formulated Skin Supplies For Men .
2 That way , they query nothing and never answer back ; as a result they are not known for their political judgement , but , during the Depression they were jolted into social awareness .
3 Capricorns are well known for their blunt mannerisms .
4 Microprose are better known for their comprehensive Simulations such as F-15 II Strike Eagle , and Gunship 2000 , their latest release is a strategy type Role Playing Game called Darklands .
5 He has been savaged throughout his visit to Rome by an unusual alliance of fundamentalist Protestants and Tory MPs not usually known for their theological knowledge or zeal .
6 In a business where agents were known for their sharklike qualities , Bernie had an endless struggle to conceal a naturally generous heart .
7 Some pioneers ( Ron James was a famous example ) were well known for their peerless protection ability .
8 Barnsley are not known for their fancy football or flair , but they 're well drilled and organised and Oxford just could n't find a way through .
9 Two disciplines not known for their loving attachment to high , or any other height , technology .
10 The Brynteg group are , of course , well known for their high-quality Taff Vale carriage restoration project .
11 Such dedication manifested itself not only among professional religious like the Dominican nuns in the Rhineland known for their mystical experience , or Franciscan tertiaries like Angela of Foligno , who was converted after her marriage and , once a widow , devoted her life to God , but among lay women in the Low Countries and Germany known as Beguines .
12 It sounded so convincing — but then , according to Lisa , Leos were known for their acting abilities .
13 Over the past two decades a possible increase in the incidence of anal cancer has been noted , especially in American communities known for their high representation of homosexual men .
14 Mind you , not known for their generous pay awards , these Councils according to the government are a main obstacle to economic hope and prosperity in Britain .
15 Its seven years since the American band Dr Hook split up : now the lead singer from the group who were known for their naked encores is back on the road .
16 They are well known for their methodological rigour , and they study factors relating to depression of clinical significance , that is , their cases have symptoms at least as numerous and severe as those treated by psychiatrists in out-patient settings .
17 Geophysicists are perhaps not best known for their romantic souls , and when they invented the dire appellation subduction zone , they probably overlooked the fact that precisely because of all this subterranean frenzy , each one is an area of quite extraordinary beauty .
18 Whether this has any foundation in science or whether it reflects the old-fashioned ‘ punitive ’ approach , men up and down the country , known for their ten-pint capacity or love for fine wine , are receiving old-fashioned looks as they ask for a half-pint of lime juice or a tonic on its own .
19 None of the band are known for their excessive cordiality towards figures within the business , but unlike Charman , their misgivings did not manifest themselves in the form of ill temper .
20 Most of the coastal details of these islands were fairly well known to the hydrographers of both the British and Dutch navies , but little was known about their inland geography .
21 This is because creatures are subject to a range of ambient temperatures within which they can exist at the lowest , and hence most cost-effective , level of metabolic activity , known as their thermoneutral zone .
22 Whilst it has been argued that such firms need financial and general business aid , if they are to fulfil their potential on a timely basis , little is known of their accounting/financial practices and needs .
23 On the other hand , while it is true that it is rarely useful to explain behaviour in terms of neural events , our description of psychological processes must at least be compatible with what is known of their neural substrate .
24 While some hypocrites may be known from their outer appearance — Ananias and Tribulation in The Alchemist , say — the dramatist must normally establish a two-level process of communication between the hypocritical character and the audience .
25 This " dark figure " is unknowable , but there is a clear enough indication that organisations of a type which would later become familiar as " trade unions " but were better known to their own time as workers ' " combinations " were well established and widespread among skilled workers in the eighteenth century .
26 Their very excellence makes heavy demands on the time and energy of their teaching faculty , so people who stay long in such places rarely produce the books and articles commonly published by their counterparts in bigger universities , and are therefore often little known outside their own institutions .
27 The real measure of the show 's international appeal is its inclusion not only of the more traditional Italian names , but also a remarkable array of French ( Prud'hon , Fragonard , Natoire ) and Northern drawings , ( notably Goltzius and Spranger ) and nineteenth-century artists including Adolph Menzel and , too little known outside their native Italy , Bartolomeo Pinelli , Vincenzo Gemito and Vincenzo Camuccini .
28 She had sent her younger son to a private school because the switch to comprehensives was such a mess and because he had a horror of a huge education factory after his primary school where everybody was known by their first name .
29 Clients were known by their first names only .
30 Many poisonous garden plants are familiar ; like the Christmas trio of holly , ivy and mistletoe , they are well known by their common names .
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