Example sentences of "until we [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The eternal quest for immortality will be in vain until we know the answer — unfortunately , we do n't .
2 ‘ We wo n't concern ourselves over that until we know the outcome of my interview with my godmother , ’ he said firmly .
3 I make this plea to the Base Commander to keep his aircraft from flying until we know the results of a thorough investigation .
4 So until we know the solution we can not write in an expression for .
5 And if the elevator gets blocked or the gearing on the conveyor breaks down — it 's all go until we correct the fault .
6 Hazel waited in silence and after a time Fiver said , slowly and expressionlessly , " But we must go on , until we reach the hills . "
7 " Until we reach the hills .
8 And I 'll go in the suit until we reach the ambush point .
9 We follow his car as it winds through the hollows and around the hills until we reach the Moss No.3 Preparation Plant where the Pittston Company cleans and grades its coal before moving it out to power stations or abroad .
10 For the moment , however , we adjourn discussion until we reach the topic of Bureaucratic Politics in Chapter 7 .
11 We shall not linger in Kursk itself but wander gently down a side road through this part of the Central Agricultural Region until we reach the Nikol'skaia volost' ( cluster of villages ) roughly 40 km. to the south-east ( Roslavl' lay 110 km. from Smolensk ) .
12 Until we collected the bread they kept returning and started to use it .
13 Our sense of achievement lasted the few hours until we collected the kids .
14 system until we introduce the council tax , but of course I will listen with care to any representations that are made , as I always do .
15 When we got there one o one of the other boys was was already there with him and he was covered from about his waist down with coal and er we uncovered him and gave him as comfortable as we could get him until we got the stretchers and everything mobilize him and get him out .
16 All went well until we saw the cow which had originally smashed the crush .
17 ‘ Chubby ’ Eliot and self had a bit of a dogfight for a while trying to get on each others ' tails as we were not certain the other was not a 109 until we saw the roundels . ’
18 We did n't stop running until we reached the forge .
19 We arrived in Lille as dusk was falling and drove through the centre of the modern sprawling town until we reached the citadel which was surrounded by a moat and an ancient drawbridge .
20 We had good sailing weather until we reached the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa , where we landed to get fresh water .
21 I well remember I promised the crew some spectacular coastal scenery on first arrival after an overnight passage up the east coast of Ireland , dashing across the North Channel during a lull in the gales with a tremendous swell rolling us on our beam ends until we reached the lee of Islay .
22 We walked on , past sessile oaks and bilberry patches , downhill until we reached the valley .
23 There was a red-crossed Land Rover waiting , and nothing more was said until we reached the hospital .
24 We were then able to find our way home by the friendly beacons until we reached the searchlight cone at Oakington .
25 Here , though , even the higher ground was wet , so that the difficulty of making progress barely relented until we reached the snow .
26 A few days after this we commenced running down our longitude , and from this time until we reached the shores of Van Diemen 's Land , several species of this family ( Procellaridae ) were daily in company with the ship .
27 We then continued our journey , pushing on until we reached the city walls and lodged at one of the fine taverns on the Southwark side of the river .
28 The Brigade has been in Normandy since the 6th June in constant contact with the enemy until we reached the Seine .
29 I never saw him again until we made The Roots of Heaven twelve years later .
30 So it 's going to take a very long time , because it has been male orientated , but until we get the attitude of the work place , which is encouraging their piers to apply for jobs instead of , oh , of course , I do n't think I will apply for that job .
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