Example sentences of "until it can be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 An isolation area is used to house the foster mothers and re-derived litters until it can be confirmed that their health status has not been compromised as a result of the procedure .
2 M oral philosophers are accustomed to start from the individual pursuing his own ends ; at once the question arises ‘ Why should I prefer anyone else 's to my own ? ’ , and until it can be answered the advantage lies with the egoist .
3 The corollary is that if they eventually return to the UK , their foreign domicile will be retained until it can be ascertained that they intend to remain for an indefinite period .
4 For an ice cream cake , buy a large pack of vanilla flavour and let it warm for a little while until it can be moulded into a circle , and then refreeze it .
5 But the quest for patriotism with adventure could also lead to an adaptation of C. S. Forester 's true-Brit Forever England ( 1935 ) , in which a lone sailor keeps a German ship occupied until it can be sunk by a British destroyer , and dies a hero 's death in the process .
6 The dump will hold the highly-radioactive waste until it can be taken to British Nuclear Fuel 's Sellafield works for reprocessing to extract uranium and plutonium .
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