Example sentences of "control over the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But even before the establishment of the Karmal regime the USSR had acquired some control over the major military air base at Bagram near Kabul ; this was the base Soviet troops were initially airlifted into at the end of 1979 .
2 He cited among other threats the loss of Russian central control over the former Soviet Union 's vast nuclear arsenal .
3 MediaStar managing director Bob Offen is likely to assume administrative control over the two self-contained media teams , with HCK 's ‘ director , media ’ Mark Taylor leading the self-contained HCK operation .
4 If one adds to this one other incontrovertible fact — that the overwhelming majority of women have lived their lives without economic freedom or autonomy , but as dependants or chattels lacking control over the crucial fixed aspects of their own lives — then it becomes clear that the chameleon nature of women is their necessary self-protection .
5 The guard was removed on the following day , but the incident exemplified the renewed struggle for control over the influential liberal daily newspaper .
6 In regard to the latter , Ford deplored ‘ the inability of the White House to maintain control over the large federal bureaucracy .
7 The federal government reacted by announcing plans to increase central control over the republican national banks .
8 Learn and remember about the bloodshed at Grunwick , the abuse of power by union barons with their iron control over the last Labour government , the continual disruption of industry by strikes , flying and mass pickets , the uncollected rubbish and unburied dead , inflation at 27 per cent .
9 In line with this , the archbishop gave his willing support to direct royal taxation of the clergy in order to defray the costs of the conquest of Wales ; he was also aware that such a conquest would enable him to establish control over the wayward Welsh church and bring it into line with the rest of post-Lateran Christendom .
10 In discussions on economic and monetary union ( EMU — proceeding in parallel with those on political union ) EC Finance Ministers reached broad agreement on March 18 on the appropriate level of political control over the proposed European central bank ( Eurofed ) .
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