Example sentences of "control [prep] the money [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main thrust of Thatcherite social and economic philosophy was far from clear when she took office in May 1979 , so entrenched were key figures of the Heathite past in the party ; but the general thrust would clearly lie in pursuing the monetarist approach of the Chicago economist , Milton Friedman , in which control of the money supply through M3 indicators , and identifying inflation rather than unemployment as the central enemy , were the fundamental themes .
2 The government would not intervene in private sector wage bargaining but intended that its own example in the public sector plus strict control of the money supply would encourage responsible wage bargaining .
3 The government hoped that strict control of the money supply and the government 's stated unwillingness to rescue financially troubled firms would help to inculcate a more responsible outlook among wage bargainers .
4 In particular , she felt in need of somebody like Walters who could argue with these two bodies about control of the money supply .
5 Strict control of the money supply and a curb on government borrowing would squeeze inflation out of the economy .
6 Strict control of the money supply seemed to be linked to low rates of inflation in Switzerland and West Germany .
7 Now he proclaimed that inflation was a much more serious threat to national wellbeing than unemployment , which anyway was a greatly overestimated danger , and that what was needed was a much tighter control of the money supply and the budget deficit .
8 This would mean that the Government could have complete control of the money supply and could set interest rates at different levels — say five per cent to industry and 15 per cent to importers of non-essential goods .
9 They will then lose control of the money supply , and of inflation .
10 On the other hand , the monetarist recommends that control of the money supply should be the major concern of the monetary authorities and that such a policy is of paramount importance for the conduct of macroeconomic policy .
11 The monetarist position is that control of the money supply is essential for the successful conduct of macroeconomic policy since they see a direct link between the money supply and prices .
12 The central objectives of economic policy were , therefore , to reduce inflation by control of the money supply , to restore incentives by reductions in direct taxation , and to stabilize public spending .
13 On strict orthodoxy , control of the money supply will be enough on its own .
14 Control of the money supply should occupy centre stage in the conduct of macroeconomic policy .
15 Control of the money supply over the medium and long term
16 Thus monetary policy is the means of controlling inflation , and in the long run , control of the money supply will not affect output ( Q ) and employment .
17 Relying on banks ' prudent ratios , however , which can vary considerably , makes precise control of the money supply very difficult indeed .
18 [ N.B. these non-operational non-interest bearing deposits are in no way connected to monetary policy or control of the money supply ] .
19 The dominance of monetarist strategies in the 1980s and start of the 1990s has meant that monetary policy has played an extremely important role in overall economic policy , with control of the money supply and inflation being of prime importance .
20 The experience of the monetary authorities in carrying out a policy of control of the money supply has not , however , been a happy one ( Leigh-Pemberton 1986 ) .
21 Control of the money supply
22 Any attempt to reduce inflation permanently would require a deep cut in government spending and tight control over the money supply .
23 Long-run price stability therefore requires long-run control over the money supply .
24 Medium- and long-term control over the money supply
25 Therefore monetarists have resorted to the claim that governments can exert control over the money stock if they are determined enough , and in so doing will bring about the desired effect on money incomes and prices .
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