Example sentences of "knew [that] she would be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , at least you 'll have someone to meet you at Euston , ’ Rose said softly to Maggie who already knew that she would be met .
2 Mrs Prentice , had to wait until 2.20am before she knew that she would be joining him in the House , ousting Tory Energy Minister Colin Moynihan , in the process .
3 Bob 's dog Meg was a model of obedience and George knew that she would be as big an asset in the handling of the sheep as her master .
4 I knew that she would be feeling timid , and it was rather a climb in any case : comforting for her to come up a flight of steps passing a trellis of gloriously flowering wistaria .
5 Although Ruth now knew that she would be on the moor throughout the coming winter , and perhaps if she was lucky see the first , early signs of spring , she knew she was now taking her farewell of its chief beauty .
6 At the same time he knew that she would be aware that he had never been with a woman before .
7 Perhaps , now that Alison was at least going to become an adoptive mother she would be able to have a long heart-to-heart with her on the subject ; although Celia knew that she would be reluctant , even ashamed , to reveal her innermost feelings .
8 She could not bear the sensations of loss with which she knew that she would be obliged to sit down and confront her mother .
9 That evening at dinner , seeing the dish of swordfish cutlets in a rich wine and herb sauce , she knew that she would be ill .
10 Deep down , he knew that she would be put off by any direct approach .
11 He knew that she would be alone .
12 And every time she sang her song the people knew that she 'd be coming back .
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