Example sentences of "found to [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was at this stage that the joint approach with the researcher working as a ‘ professional friend ’ or ‘ supporter ’ , coming more objectively at the information and without any feeling of being threatened , was found to be most useful .
2 Fruiting in general was found to be markedly seasonal , one dry period being followed by a massive flowering and fruiting .
3 Considering " all-cause cardiovascular mortality , " the exercise test was found to be moderately sensitive and moderately specific .
4 All the facts given were checked and were found to be completely accurate .
5 These powers have been found to be completely inadequate to deal with the challenges and problems presented in complex urban situations ’ ( quoted in Alexander 1982b:64 ) .
6 If these could be found to be overwhelmingly large or small then the results could be of use in the framing of policy .
7 The archive material has been found to be remarkably full , where it exists , but to have considerable gaps , so that only for short periods in particular cities can the levels of illegitimacy be assessed and compared with regional levels .
8 From the results of this limited study , the system of DMR was not found to be overly time-consuming .
9 This hypothetical sequence formed the basis of the Stone Age , Copper Age , Bronze Age and Iron Age system which was found to be generally accurate world-wide .
10 Workbooks have been found to be particularly useful in institutions where it is necessary to teach large numbers of students .
11 Many models exist for assessing family functioning ( Barker 1986 ) and the following ideas are extracted from a variety of theories of family therapy that I have found to be particularly useful ( Burnham 1986 ; Gorell-Barnes 1984 ; Mason and O'Byrne 1984 ) .
12 If a 3 is found to be both positive and statistically significant then the model suggests that dividends are undesirable and that rational shareholders should prefer to take their returns in the form of capital gains .
13 He was taken from home to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital but was found to be already dead .
14 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
15 The sound quality of the tapes was found to be unexpectedly high .
16 As quarrying proceeded , an oblique section of a large cavern was gradually uncovered , and the infill sediments were found to be richly fossiliferous .
17 In the UK the rubella vaccine has been offered to all girls in early adolescence and to non-pregnant women of child-bearing age who are found to be serologically negative for this antigen but with the use of the new measles/mumps/rubella ( MMR ) vaccine to small children ( 1988 ) , this will eventually become unnecessary .
18 I was too young to sign the consent form and when Malc arrived , he also was found to be too young .
19 His approach is a clear indication that the apparent rigours of Faccenda are now being mitigated by judges because the definition of trade secrets given in that case has been found to be too narrow to be workable .
20 At his funeral the grave was found to be too small and his coffin could not be lowered until it was enlarged .
21 Even at the then much praised Alfort school , their four-year course was found to be too long .
22 See Davies v Davies ( 1887 ) 36 Ch D 359 where a covenant which sought to restrain trade " so far as the law allows " was found to be too uncertain to be enforced .
23 Catering & Allied took presentations from half a dozen systems suppliers , and put three possibles on trial , but the two others were found to be too complex for the company 's purposes .
24 It was reburied for the last time in 1973 after the number of visitors was found to be too high for the Cotswold village of Woodchester to cope with .
25 However , the we have recently had to incur extra expenditure because the road that were put in looking at one hundred er er were found to be too high especially for the services and er place er committee which er throughout that it was very difficult but apparatus you know moving fire .
26 The Auditor General 's criticism of the excessive overlap between shifts , which in some hospitals was found to be too generous to allow only for handover and meal breaks , could be largely countered by establishing the correct balance of staff employed full-time with others employed on a part-time basis .
27 One of a batch of large bogie cars , delivered to Gravesend where they were found to be too large , also found its way onto the Aurelia Road site , to be tried out when the line opened .
28 ( It used to be at more frequent intervals , but this was found to be too disruptive . )
29 Two others were near the Crown Inn on Buxton Road in Great Moor : one , behind the Inn , was found to be too near to Stepping Hill Hospital , and the other , opposite the Inn and between Buxton Road and Dialstone Lane , was not quite large enough .
30 In 1972 , less than 16 per cent of this age group had been found to be upwardly mobile as against 60 per cent who retained their working class positions ( p. 18 ) .
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