Example sentences of "period [prep] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In the period of drowsiness preceding the oblivion of sleep the quality of thinking changes to become less logical and sometimes bizarre .
2 Despite the support of parents , of fellow teachers , of priests and even of two hon. Members , one from each side of the House , that teacher was refused a hearing before the school governors and had too short a period of service to seek the support of an industrial tribunal .
3 ‘ The basic concept was that there should be a period of restraint to redress the balance of what has been a tremendous amount of development over the years , ’ he said , referring to the support the parish council had given to county and district while they were drawing up their local plans .
4 Owens ( 1984 , 174 ) has commented that the 1970s saw a hiatus in recreation research as a period of evaluation replaced the previous period which had been characterized by :
5 By the classical period of Greek thought the myth of the Golden Age had partially given way to the opposite idea that man 's early condition was ‘ nasty , brutish and short ’ .
6 Interest has increased in the late 1980s as the Superpowers have taken advantage of a period of detente to consider the viability of smaller defence establishments .
7 Numbers covers 38 years in the history of Israel : the period of desert wandering the Sinai peninsula .
8 That particular period of history saw the rise of some wonderful thinkers — Bernard of Clairvaux , Thomas à Kempis , Meister Eckhart .
9 Withdrawal should be over an period of time to allow the Northern Irish time to establish a new form of government .
10 Considering the major developments that have taken place during the past 12 months within Rolls Wood Group , the achievement in such a period of time reflects the workforce 's determination to establish Rolls Wood Group as a leader in this market .
11 After a certain period of time denying the cravings for fats and carbohydrates , the mind and body simply rebel .
12 If tax is owing and payment on the due date is impossible , the Inland Revenue will discuss payment over a period of time to meet the liability ; and any taxpayer who is in difficulty in paying his or her tax should contact the Inland Revenue at the earliest opportunity to discuss how the difficulty might be resolved .
13 If this analysis is accepted , then it is clear that the attempt over a long period of time to protect the position of those living in privately rented accommodation has failed and has , in fact , made the position worse .
14 Mr Prescott said : ‘ If private capital can not produce the goods as it said it could , they should be given a short period of time to clear the mess up , or we will take it over .
15 The rescheduling would take place over 10 years with a six-year period of grace to allow the renegotiation of debt for the preceding period .
16 And yet , according to fossilized coral reefs , when the period of orogenis ended the Silurian climate became warmer .
17 whose influence on penal reform in the postwar period was outstanding , and he stood firm in the face of some ministerial pressure in the difficult period of unrest following the recent Dartmoor mutiny .
18 Reptilian blood systems go through a period of self-adjustment permitting the conservation of heat as required , and allowing the creatures to distribute it when needed .
19 Those who successfully complete the period of placement receive the additional award of Diploma in Industrial Studies and are entitled to use the designatory letters DIS .
20 A brief period of training using the manual provided with the program is all that is required for a manager to start developing his own models .
21 This period of growth confirmed the patterns of the earlier period in the support for Paisleyism .
22 In the event , they were also retained to act as consultants for an additional period in order to ensure the continued success of the system .
23 According to Kuhn , an analysis of the characteristics of a crisis period in science demands the competence of the psychologist as much as that of an historian .
24 The Migration Period in Scandinavia witnessed the production of objects made from the great quantities of gold accumulated in the Roman world , much of which moved north when the Empire collapsed .
25 Will he confirm that the Government support a further adjournment of the liquidation period on Monday to allow the negotiations to be completed ?
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