Example sentences of "knew that [pron] could [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Although he knew that they could not reach beyond the full extension of their chains , Frankie was never fully convinced that he was safe from them .
2 Children grew disobedient when they knew that they could not be set aside : farmers were ousted of their leases made by tenants in tail ; for , if such leases had been valid , then under colour of long leases the issue might have been virtually disinherited : creditors were defrauded of their debts ; for , if tenant in tail could have charged his estate with their payment , he might also have defeated his issue , by mortgaging it for as much as it was worth : innumerable latent entails were produced to deprive purchasers of the lands they had fairly bought ; of suits in consequence of which our antient books are full : and treasons were encouraged ; as estates-tail were not liable to forfeiture , longer than for the tenant 's life .
3 Yet the Nazis knew that they could not behave too outrageously because there was always the threat that the League of Nations might call in the Poles to annex the city and suppress the NSDAP in the name of European peace .
4 When my sons went to the village school there was respect and they knew that they could not ‘ nannick ’ about in school , even if they did while on the way there .
5 But a second later I knew that they could not , or could no more plausibly than the glove , be hers .
6 The founders of the Community knew that they could not create a viable organisation if they established goals that could never be achieved .
7 Before this season he always knew that we could n't survive without him , but now we can , now we have another star .
8 It refused as it knew that it could not do so and survive at home .
9 Julia knew that it could not be real because it brought with it even more horrible visions , in one of which Comfort and Anthony had her pinned to the ground and were hitting her with garden rakes with specially sharpened tines .
10 ‘ Why — because , though at any other time I could perhaps let my feelings have their head , this time , for a reason I simply was n't seeing then , I just knew that it could not be like that with you . ’
11 But deep down you also knew that it could n't be so simple .
12 He did n't seem to know what it was himself , but she knew that it could n't be love , and if it was n't love then none of the other possibilities mattered .
13 And after all , I knew that you could n't plead a prior engagement . ’
14 But Selznick knew that he could not hand over the selection process to assistants .
15 He had achieved great things for God but he knew that he could not claim the credit .
16 Ceauşescu knew that he could not both meet the miners ' demands and achieve his economic targets .
17 Nixon , one of the fiercest anti-Communists and " cold warriors " of the 1940s and 1950s , knew that he could not easily be accused of being " soft " on communism when he tried to lessen tension with Russia and with Communist China .
18 The Fontanellatesi knew where his real sympathies lay , and they knew that he could not refuse to do as he was asked .
19 When George saw that Curley was attacking Lennie , George allowed Lennie to fight back because he knew that he could not do everything for Lennie .
20 And he knew that he could n't continue avoiding her — or not without catching pneumonia , he thought , and smiled at his own joke .
21 Something about them made him feel deeply afraid , but he knew that he could n't just stand there .
22 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
23 On one level I knew that Robert had been unfaithful to Lili and on another I knew that he could n't possibly have been .
24 He slammed a fist up at her as if the force of his gesture could throw her the last five feet , and screamed at her although he knew that she could n't hear .
25 Constance wanted to run home but she knew that she could n't leave her bike .
26 She knew she was falling in love with this man ; she felt certain that she could n't resist him ; but she also knew that she could n't treat Louise in this way .
27 However , she knew that she could n't stand at the window indefinitely , so she left it to complete the task she had on hand .
28 Two days later as she sat on the beach , staring glumly out over the ocean , Laura knew that she could n't fool herself any longer .
29 But , as he drew the car up outside her hotel and turned to look at her , Fabia knew that she could n't afford to be infuriated .
30 She knew that she could not do it alone .
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