Example sentences of "feel [pron] [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is only that I feel I may make a new friend and be rewarded with company .
2 Tonight I feel I 'd enjoy a pint of ale more than a text from the New Testament .
3 I 'm willing to pay the price for a love that brings out my hidden strengths , for without it I feel I will live a diminished existence , however problem-free .
4 ‘ I 'm now 36th in the European merit order , but I feel I can make the first 25 ’ , said big hitter Clarke before teeing off in Switzerland .
5 But when I think about how I feel for you , it turns me into a Hercules and I feel I can conquer the world . ’
6 I feel I can encapsulate the feeling in the music and then say what I want to say in a direct manner .
7 Your stupid behaviour would normally result in me sending you to prison but I feel I can take a different course . ’
8 ‘ I now feel that I am back to the form I had three years ago , and after my performances in Ireland , I feel I can win the Paris-Tours classic next Saturday , ’ he said .
9 ‘ I came back after two years out of the ring because boxing 's in my blood and because I feel I can win the title .
10 Reading them lifts my spirits so much I feel I could conquer the world .
11 ‘ Now I feel I could watch the game again , ’ he said when Connon finished .
12 I , I go because I , I feel I must support the shop , but I could n't possibly do my family shopping there .
13 I mean it 's In actual fact the the number of people I 've had in and One thing I should say , if you feel you would like a visit one evening , to the plant , then I 'm more than welcome to try and organize something for you .
14 So provided you feel you could give a happy , stable home to a child and , like the adoption agencies , put the child first , there is no reason why you should n't go ahead .
15 I think I would simply say that er if you feel you can make a choice , so be it , if you feel you ca n't make a choice I would implore you to take up some wording similar to the wording I 've suggested , which seeks to commit the district authorities to a to a new settlement within within Greater York .
16 I feel she would make a nurse .
17 You are afraid to ask what it 's about because you feel she must have a legitimate reason to see you urgently , so you stay home and are late for work .
18 As we have said we are a new newsletter team and feel we could print a newsletter containing what we wanted or what we thought ought to be there .
19 This is where we at N C V O feel we can play a vital role by helping the voluntary sector to recognise this shared interest and above all to act cohesively .
20 Bingham must get it right for a match I feel we can get a 0–0 draw or a 1–0 win out of — yes , I 'm serious !
21 I feel we should stress the peace that that we 're given .
22 ‘ I feel we should open a home for displaced animals . ’
23 If we could answer these , I feel we should know a lot more than we do about the earliest history of the place and the way it has grown .
24 As a result we all feel we should have a say in its appearance , but as yet we have no right to be heard .
25 ‘ Andrea and myself , as a working-class woman and a Black woman , come from those groups , and feel we should have the chance to express our ideas as much as anyone else . ’
26 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
27 Most of the respondents answered this question in a similar manner ; it is perhaps disturbing that most companies feel they would have no way of knowing if a headhunter had abused their trust .
28 Again then , knowing these people somewhat , I feel they would follow the apparent winner and South Korea would be gobbled up to be added to the rest of Red Asia .
29 potential employers feel they can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting .
30 People feel they can tell a lot from a handshake and they are quite right .
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