Example sentences of "whom he [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mujjaddedi had on June 21 threatened not to hand over power ( as required by the Peshawar accord ) to Rabbani , whom he branded as a Khomeini-like Islamic radical .
2 Billy Arjan Singh ( left ) takes a walk in the jungle with Tara , the tigress whom he returned to the wild .
3 The family portrait reveals more : father of three children and approaching his ruby wedding with his wife Sheila , whom he married at the age of 23 .
4 Buck 's other contacts include an ageing hooker whom he mistakes for a society woman ( ‘ I 'm one gorgeous chick , ’ says the ungorgeous non-chicken Sylvia Miles ) ; two weak and whining homosexual pick-ups ; and a couple of weirdos who invite him to an ‘ underground ’ party .
5 The 21-stone club chairman , reported to police by one of the photographers he assaulted on Monday , was on the rampage once more , threatening to give free transfers to the entire squad whom he blames for the £50,000 Football League fine .
6 Having studied under several other scholars , including Taskopruzade , he completed his studies under the retired Anadolu kazasker Ma'lul Emir Efendi from whom he became in the of Abdurrahman Efendi in 959/1552 .
7 Mr Amanullah Khan , chairman of the JKNLF , told a press conference in Rawalpindi that Ms Sayeed should not be condemned for the crimes of her father , whom he denounced as a traitor .
8 The following day they gave a home-coming party at Haddon Hall and invited many of their friends : Tony Visconti , Mary Hopkin , Lindsay Kemp , Mick Ronson , George Underwood , Freddie Barretti , Ken Scott and Mary Finnigan whom he kissed on the cheek and said , ‘ I love you , Mary . ’
9 He considered whom he knew in the Essex CID and whom he could tap for information .
10 When this second marriage broke down in 1963 , Simenon was already having an affair with another maid , Teresa Sburelin , with whom he lived for the rest of his life .
11 Mac had a girlfriend and a baby with whom he lived in a Bayswater hotel room provided by Westminster Council .
12 He seems to have worked well with leading churchmen — such as Eorcenwald and Haeddi whom he acknowledges in the prologue to his laws — and Wynfrith , a monk at Exeter , later known in the course of his mission to the continental Germans as Boniface .
13 He suddenly laughed , then looked at Ellen whom he perceived as a possible ally .
14 Recalling the defeat of the 1991 coup , Yeltsin said that he had outwitted the former KGB chief , Vladimir Kryuchkov , whom he identified as the main organizer of the attempt .
15 Throughout his evidence , Price implicated the applicant ( whom he identified from a photograph ) in those dealings as the man who had informed him of the consignment of cannabis in Sweden , and had asked him and a man named Ryan ( who had also been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment ) to deliver it to customers in Sweden .
16 This view was supported by the medical staff whom he consulted on the matter .
17 His successor but one , Wallia , made an attempt to lead his people across to Africa , but failed , and instead came to terms with the Roman leader Constantius , for whom he campaigned against the Vandals and Alans in Spain .
18 We are confidently informed that the ‘ amazing dreamgirl ’ with whom he partook of a ‘ romantic stroll through the mist ’ is his inamorata .
19 But that wedding evidently did not take place , and in December 1753 it was Ann Bowden whom he rushed to the altar in Exeter , his bride being already heavily pregnant with the first of their many offspring .
20 Bleek has two girlfriends ( Joie Lee and Cinda Williams ) , each of whom he betrays with the other as a matter of course .
21 Samson has just killed two goblins whom he surprised in the room .
22 Jones reserves his highest praise for lateral thinkers — one of whom he identifies as the new Prime Minister Bob Hawke .
23 30 April : The Mail 's industrial correspondent , David Norris , writes approvingly of Bill Jordan , leader of the AEU , whom he identifies as the trade union movement 's ‘ Boris Yeltsin figure ’ , who will help push through ‘ a total split from Labour ’ .
24 Though dogged by ill health in later years he was still able to work in his particularly single-minded way , largely because of the devotion of his wife Mitzi whom he met during the war , while serving with the Royal Engineers .
25 Elham , whom he met on a Beirut blind date , and for whom he converted to Islam , is more blunt .
26 We had recently begun to shelter a young man who had deserted from the Italian army in the south and had somehow managed , with the help of various Italians whom he met on the way , to reach Fontanellato .
27 In 1903 he married Rosecleer Alice Amelia Blanche from Totnes , Devon , whom he met on the voyage to Australia .
28 There were knights there not of Isambard 's following , there were two English clerics of rank whom he did not know , and a burly young man whom he recognised as a nephew of Hubert de Burgh .
29 ‘ A confidential clerk ’ in Macassar , Willems finds his marriage going wrong and himself , obsessed with an Arab woman with whom he flies to a remote tropical island , becoming a savage .
30 ‘ The elegance of his surroundings are [ sic ] withering , ’ Vaughan commented in his journal , having been introduced to Lehmann by the Greek scholar Cosmo Rodenwald , with whom he served in the Pioneer Corps .
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