Example sentences of "whatever it [be] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My lord sheriff , reverend gentlemen , ’ said the earl , ‘ you come very aptly , if Robin has reported your errand rightly , for I confess I 've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they 've brought me from Ullesthorpe .
2 Like getting a wage packet again , instead of voting myself a salary as my own director or whatever it is they make me do . ’
3 Erm , I think many of the young people especially go through , never seem to have an interlock er , together to create er , whatever it is they want to .
4 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays , from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
5 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them and produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
6 Never would I wish to do whatever it is they do — nobody would !
7 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
8 ‘ Maybe next time Ellis will find me an undercover job that takes me to opium dens in Hong Kong , dusky maidens in Peru and shark-fishing amongst the coral reefs , or whatever it is they do there . ’
9 Humans 'll come back and mend the wheels or whatever it is they do . ’
10 So the builders have gone , and all the old biddies turn up in their Sunday best to say their Hail Marys , or whatever it is they do .
11 It seems that this Andrée woman was the star turn there , won all the prizes , played all the parts , set the fashion or whatever it is they look up to at those girl schools , you should know . ’
12 I was just going to eat whatever it is they have and then go to sleep .
13 And er whatever whatever it was they said that er they would n't chance operating on him .
14 ‘ Jehovah was wont to scare the pants off the Israelites — or whatever it was they girded up their loins with . ’
15 Whatever it was they went into the sea for , it was found way down in its ice-cold black depths .
16 This — whatever it was they planned — was just one of eight incidents across the country on Sunday night .
17 They would say whatever it was they had to say in their own time .
18 Most everybody in the house had gone to work , or whatever it was they did during daylight , and as I was only two feet away I reached over and slipped the lock , taking the phone receiver with me .
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