Example sentences of "whatever it [be] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 performer transposer or whatever it 's I do n't want to limit myself to just saying , I 'm a teacher other things as well .
2 ‘ My lord sheriff , reverend gentlemen , ’ said the earl , ‘ you come very aptly , if Robin has reported your errand rightly , for I confess I 've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they 've brought me from Ullesthorpe .
3 Like getting a wage packet again , instead of voting myself a salary as my own director or whatever it is they make me do . ’
4 Erm , I think many of the young people especially go through , never seem to have an interlock er , together to create er , whatever it is they want to .
5 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays , from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
6 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them and produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
7 Never would I wish to do whatever it is they do — nobody would !
8 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
9 ‘ Maybe next time Ellis will find me an undercover job that takes me to opium dens in Hong Kong , dusky maidens in Peru and shark-fishing amongst the coral reefs , or whatever it is they do there . ’
10 Humans 'll come back and mend the wheels or whatever it is they do . ’
11 So the builders have gone , and all the old biddies turn up in their Sunday best to say their Hail Marys , or whatever it is they do .
12 It seems that this Andrée woman was the star turn there , won all the prizes , played all the parts , set the fashion or whatever it is they look up to at those girl schools , you should know . ’
13 I was just going to eat whatever it is they have and then go to sleep .
14 Neither change nor stasis , in any sense we could possibly understand , can have any application to whatever it is we label ‘ God ’ .
15 But having done it , having completed the half a day or whatever it is we have , you know it 's not really a case of saying Right well that 's it .
16 But whatever it is we decide to do , it must be continued in the long term .
17 Excuses not to do the work we think we might or should do , excuses not to be kind or considerate or whatever it is we feel we should be ?
18 from tapes or whatever it is you hold on .
19 Or whatever it is you know .
20 You 're wasted as a carpenter , or whatever it is you like to call yourself .
21 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
22 For what it is worth , ma'am , I would recommend an equal division of whatever it is you have to leave . ’
23 Or compute , or whatever it is you do . ’
24 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
25 ‘ Forgive my asking , ’ she added , ‘ But are n't you wearing rather impractical gear for grubbing around in the earth or whatever it is you do ? ’
26 Now shut your eyes or whatever it is you do . ’
27 If whatever it is you feel you have to convey becomes too present in your mind , you will easily forget the duty of entertaining .
28 Next Wed 's possible visit to London — there 'll probably be a train strike that day , so maybe we should think of alternative ways of getting whatever it is you want me to bring down to you on another day ?
29 Go and buy some curtains or whatever it is you want . "
30 ‘ I suppose you can say whatever it is you want to say right here , only I 'm not hanging around to hear it . ’
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