Example sentences of "whatever [pron] may [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 A good recent example is the TV launch campaign for First Direct ( whatever you may think of an execution that can best be described as controversial ) .
2 Whatever you may think of us , Caroline , we are not children . ’
3 Whatever we may make of this , it is interesting to observe that Professor Hartman of New York has established a link between those who suffer from this nocturnal disposition and a high level of creativity .
4 Whatever we may make of its influences , Leonard is clear that he ‘ never recovered ’ from its dénouements ; its ‘ illumination of human behaviour ’ ; its horror ( which he termed ‘ metaphorical ’ ) .
5 Whatever we may make of Leonard 's Judaism , he is a man seized by its traditions , its scriptures and their imagery .
6 Otis Ferguson was aware that the film depicted a ‘ phony strike ’ and that there was no real analysis of labour-management problems but he still felt that it had ‘ this air of life whatever we may think of its social content ’ .
7 Whatever we may think of their evocative names , ‘ Queen Elizabeth ’ and ‘ Peace ’ are much too boisterous to be given room in genteel society .
8 Whatever we may think of the future , we think of the past as having been in its time as determinate as the present now is .
9 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
10 The distinction between the two concepts , the commission of a crime and the production of a literary work , is a vital one , for although it is clearly desirable to deter crimes , it is not transparently obvious that we should seek to deter the production of literary works , whatever we may think of their intrinsic merits .
11 To say of persons however who simply believe of Jesus that he had a very fine moral teaching , but who wish to say nothing of Jesus himself , that they are Christian surely does not make sense theologically — whatever they may say of themselves .
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