Example sentences of "please could [pers pn] tell i " in BNC.

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1 Please could you tell me if colour enhancing foods have any side effects ?
2 Please could you tell me something about this fish , such as how large will it get , so that I can prepare for rehousing it ?
3 Please could you tell me what I should do to treat the problem ?
4 Please could you tell me what size this fish grows to and whether it should be kept on its own or in a shoal .
5 Please could you tell me what size this fish grows to and whether it should be kept on its own or in a shoal .
6 Please could you tell me if the Pacu will be a threat to the sharks and catfish , as they grow ?
7 Please could you tell me the ratio of male to female Platies I should have in my tank ?
8 Please could you tell me the best form of algae to keep in a fish-only aquarium ?
9 Q Please could you tell me the water requirements of my two Banded Severums ?
10 Please could you tell me how may I should keep and if they will be all right with Guppies , Platies and Corydoras ?
11 Q Please could you tell me if I can keep a Lionfish in my tank — and is it safe to do so , from my own point of view ?
12 Please could you tell me how much heating I would need ?
13 My 36′ × 12′ × 15′ tank also contains various other tetras , corydoras , Golden Barbs , Plecostomus , Guppies , Platies , White Cloud Mountain Minnows , Zebra Danios , Redeye Tetras and a Coolie Loach ( approx 36 fish ) Please could you tell me if this is overcrowded ?
14 Please could you tell me if giving my tank of Goldfish and Black Moors tonic salt and King British W.S.3 , will cure White Spot ?
15 Please could you tell me how to get some help ?
16 Please could you tell me why we have an ‘ Express Basket Only ’ till .
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