Example sentences of "to keep a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These will tend to be more stable than smaller tanks in water terms , less affected by external temperature changes , will enable you to keep a wider range of fish , and are likely to be more useful as your interests in the hobby develops into keeping larger fish or into breeding projects .
2 I instructed Peter to keep a sharp lookout for enemy fighters and then to follow me .
3 It is also important to determine which activities and functions should be housed in the new and old locations especially if the organisation plans to carry out either a phased move or to keep a small presence in the old site after the main move has taken place .
4 With two heaters or a dual element heater , it is possible to keep a small amount of water hot — enough for hand washing and washing up whilst a single heater will heat the whole cylinder .
5 They tend , however , to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume .
6 This is quite possible since MI5 did not make a detectable or a sustained effort to keep a watchful eye on Ivanov 's movements .
7 You are not likely to find anything of archaeological interest , but museums may be inclined to keep a watchful eye on you !
8 Shifting most of the body weight to the right leg , he pivots clockwise in a 180-degree arc , taking care to keep a watchful eye on his opponent .
9 When she started flying her parents asked me to keep a watchful eye on her .
10 Up to now the police have played a passive role with the hippies , preferring to keep a watchful eye on them .
11 But he 's not the sort of politician to keep a low profile for long .
12 Priskin 's back to his mischievous ways , though he now knows to keep a low profile on washing day .
13 There 's a reward for Bouncer 's safe return , but in the meantime Jackie will continue to keep a keen eye on the pub .
14 The train was ( and still is ) accompanied by a staff of competent workmen from Wolverton Works , under a Royal Train foreman also from Wolverton Works , to keep a vigilant watch on each side of it , note any irregularity and periodically examine it throughout .
15 Strange as it may seem , some people have more difficulty in handling or expressing warm , loving feelings than negative , angry ones ; or it may feel as if they have to keep a tighter reign on the loving feelings , which they perceive as making them more vulnerable to rejection and disappointment .
16 What will give you that extra bite of interest is something like — and here I stop and open my indexed notebook of Victoriana ( and I advise you to keep a similar book for your chosen period ) and I find under " B " : boiled mutton on the sideboard for breakfast .
17 where we 've tried , we 've tried to keep a reasonable pension for them .
18 If you are going to take plumbing seriously , however , it 's not a bad idea to keep a separate set of tools in their own tool box — so they are always there for plumbing jobs when you need them and you do n't find them covered with oil and grease .
19 I have successfully maintained them in hard water , with a pH of 7.8 , but try to keep a neutral pH of 7.0 , for best results .
20 Because there 's , there 's usually somebody working in every section just to keep a wee turnover of things that 's in a hurry
21 A lot of the information was above her head but she had persevered until she learnt how to keep a good set of accounts .
22 Boiling with rage , yet forced to keep a fixed smile on her face while Carole Meadows continued showing them around the small guest cottage , Laura could barely contain her fury .
23 In this tour through the modern world the way we run things comes to seem ever more absurd , a house of cards built upon endless bureaucracy — a paper chase that leaves us all working frantically to keep a worse quality of life .
24 ‘ I was n't flirting , ’ she said quickly , fighting to keep a decent space between their bodies .
25 Mr Moran , Anfield 's longest-serving stalwart , found himself unexpectedly entering a second term of caretaker command last weekend when Mr Souness disclosed that major heart surgery was necessary to keep a 38-year-old frame in peak condition .
26 Most banks are requested by their central bank to keep a certain proportion of their assets in a liquid form .
27 In Por Tanssie , the vibrancers had always been instructed to keep a certain distance between them .
28 However , he managed to keep a certain degree of sanity by exercising himself in regular bucking sessions at about four o'clock every afternoon .
29 That is a measure of the support for the miners and the desire for the country to keep a certain degree of energy self-sufficiency once oil and gas reserves are gone .
30 Following Fidel Castro 's seizure of power , Kennedy failed to keep a gung-ho CIA in check , which proceeded with its ill-conceived invasion plans of Cuba .
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