Example sentences of "to keep [art] [adj] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 to keep the central heating on ?
2 Neil , coming back to keep the promised watch on his house .
3 He saw them not as a party of racial obsession but as a right-wing ginger group to keep the Conservative party on the proper lines .
4 The only modern touch is the use of the occasional thunder flash to keep the wild herd on the move in the right direction .
5 A long prison sentence is the penalty for an unlicensed firearm and to keep the three men on bail , year after year , with this terrifying threat hanging over them was a most effective way to deter them from exposing the monstrous injustice of their treatment either in the media or with the European Commission of Human Rights .
6 Erm and because they like to keep the same manufacturer on one shaft if they could , they took out six three O seven for the back end .
7 They tend , however , to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume .
8 This is quite possible since MI5 did not make a detectable or a sustained effort to keep a watchful eye on Ivanov 's movements .
9 You are not likely to find anything of archaeological interest , but museums may be inclined to keep a watchful eye on you !
10 Shifting most of the body weight to the right leg , he pivots clockwise in a 180-degree arc , taking care to keep a watchful eye on his opponent .
11 When she started flying her parents asked me to keep a watchful eye on her .
12 Up to now the police have played a passive role with the hippies , preferring to keep a watchful eye on them .
13 Priskin 's back to his mischievous ways , though he now knows to keep a low profile on washing day .
14 There 's a reward for Bouncer 's safe return , but in the meantime Jackie will continue to keep a keen eye on the pub .
15 The train was ( and still is ) accompanied by a staff of competent workmen from Wolverton Works , under a Royal Train foreman also from Wolverton Works , to keep a vigilant watch on each side of it , note any irregularity and periodically examine it throughout .
16 Strange as it may seem , some people have more difficulty in handling or expressing warm , loving feelings than negative , angry ones ; or it may feel as if they have to keep a tighter reign on the loving feelings , which they perceive as making them more vulnerable to rejection and disappointment .
17 Boiling with rage , yet forced to keep a fixed smile on her face while Carole Meadows continued showing them around the small guest cottage , Laura could barely contain her fury .
18 I was cowering in my usual corner in Boots ' chemist 's shop in Scarborough , where I had developed the habit of a weekly weigh-in to keep a morbid eye on my progressive emaciation .
19 Even when that object was not consciously in view most proposals for Masai development tended in practice towards that end , their essential ingredient being some measure designed to move the Masai away from the semi-nomadism they had immemorially practised towards a way of living which would make it easier for administrators to keep a benevolent eye on them .
20 They urged people to keep a close check on fireworks and bonfires to minimise the risk of injury during Guy Fawkes celebrations .
21 Not content even with this level of political castration , Mr Suharto has instructed the security forces to keep a close watch on what is said in mosques .
22 Full use of a diary system is essential to keep a close watch on the progress of each claim .
23 The offeror is obliged to keep a close watch on the target 's share price for any signs of untoward movement ;
24 The police are also urging farmers to keep a close watch on their barns until the aronsonists are caught .
25 As a result , Warrington Borough Council has agreed to spend £3,100 on safety work and has asked the police to keep a close watch on the area .
26 As a result , Warrington Borough Council has agreed to spend £3,100 on safety work and has asked police to keep a close watch on the area .
27 At one time he was a sheep-farmer himself and , upon his deification , placed his flock in the heavens so as to keep a close eye on them .
28 He warned parents to continue to keep a close eye on their children until the rapist is caught .
29 but the rapid expansion of credit card trading will make it important to keep a close eye on this potential problem in future .
30 ‘ He was one of the top men we tried to keep a close eye on — when we could .
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